With warmer weather comes the reemergence of many different types of bugs. Not only do these bugs invade our private spaces and make us feel uncomfortable, but they can also be a detriment to your home and property.

Knowing what bugs commonly infest homes in Maryland will help you identify and remove them if they do find their way into your home. With that said, here are 15 of the most common bugs in Maryland to look out for this summer and signs you need to contact a professional.

1. Ants

Ants are some of the most common household pests found in Maryland homes, so much so that most people don’t even bat an eye when seeing a few of them. Unfortunately, even the tiniest crumb trail can invite ants inside your home, so don’t blame yourself if you find a few crawling around your kitchen.

Nevertheless, an ant infestation can quickly get out of hand if not dealt with immediately. Odorous ants and carpenter ants are two of the most common ant species found in Maryland homes, with the latter leading to damage to wooden furniture and framing members of your home.

Contact a local exterminator for ant control immediately if you find an ant infestation that has penetrated multiple rooms of your home without relief.

2. Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are another common household pest that can go undetected for long periods due to their small size. Bed bugs most commonly enter homes on furniture or by hitching a ride on luggage after a trip. They are commonly found in hotels and Airbnbs, as well as hiding in used furniture at thrift stores.

To avoid bed bugs, be sure to carefully inspect any used furniture or luggage before bringing it into your home. It can also be helpful to read the reviews of the hotel or Airbnb you are planning on staying in prior to going on vacation to see if any reviews mention bed bugs.

Contact an exterminator ASAP for bed bug control, as these pests are notoriously difficult to eliminate on your own.

3. Cockroaches

Cockroaches are undoubtedly some of the most disgusting household pests found in Maryland homes. Not only are cockroaches creepy looking, but they are also known to carry a variety of different diseases, such as salmonella, that can be harmful to humans.

The most worrisome is the German cockroach, as one spotting tends to indicate a larger infestation hidden from plain view.

If a nuclear bomb can’t get rid of cockroaches, you might not have much luck either. Reach out to a professional for cockroach control at the first sign.

4. Termites

Termites are another common household pest that can do a ton of damage if not taken care of right away. Each year, termites cause an estimated $30 billion in damage to homes and crops, damaging nearly 600,000 homes. If you discover even one termite in or around your home, it is imperative that you contact a pest control professional for termite control immediately.

Our home pest protection plans offer Sentricon systems, which form a barrier against termites for long-lasting relief.

5. Spiders

Spiders can be found in most homes in the US, especially in places like attics and sheds. While most household spiders cause little to no harm to homeowners, there are certain types of poisonous spiders in Maryland you should familiarize yourself with to avoid accidental exposure.

6. Mosquitoes

When you think of household pests, mosquitoes don’t typically come to mind. However, mosquitoes can commonly be found in just about any Maryland backyard during the summer, with standing water nearby.

While these pests can seem harmless other than the itchy bites they leave, mosquitoes are known to carry certain diseases that can be harmful to humans. Plus, they can just ruin a fun summer BBQ. For long-lasting relief, contact your exterminator for a mosquito yard spray.

7. Flies

Flies are extremely common household pests in Maryland and just about everywhere else in the US. While seeing the occasional fly in the house usually isn’t cause for concern, these annoying pests can cause food poisoning if you eat food they have come into contact with. Keep your home tidy and apply bug sprays while outside to help keep these pests away.

8. Fleas

Fleas can enter your home in a variety of ways, most commonly by hitching a ride on your dog or outdoor cat. If you discover fleas in your home, contact a pest control professional immediately and wash your pets to ensure you get the fleas off of them as well.

9. Ticks

If you spend a lot of time out in your backyard or in the woods, you have an increased chance of coming into contact with a tick. Ticks can be extremely harmful to humans and pets and are most known for carrying Lyme Disease.

Trim back bushes around the perimeter of your home and inspect all people and pets that venture into the woods for ticks to avoid exposure.

10. Silverfish

If you are a Maryland homeowner, chances are you have seen at least one silverfish in your life. These pests may look creepy but are generally harmless. However, seeing a silverfish in your home can be indicative of a larger problem, such as high humidity.

11. Carpet Beetles

Carpet beetles are another type of household pest that are relatively harmless but can cause damage to items in your home. Carpet beetles typically enter the home through open doors and windows and can cause damage to your carpets and upholstered furniture.

12. Stink Bugs

Stink bugs are also relatively harmless to homeowners but are known for giving off an unpleasant odor if squished. The best way to get rid of stink bugs in your home is to vacuum them and immediately empty the contents of the vacuum into a sealed trash can outside of the house.

13. Centipedes

While centipedes are not known to be particularly harmful to humans, they do have a venomous bite that can be painful to those who are bitten.

14. Millipedes

Millipedes are typically found outdoors but can make their way indoors just as any other pest would. Millipedes are distinguished by their smaller size and black, red, or brown-colored bodies.

15. Boxelder Bugs

Boxelder bugs are extremely common in Maryland but are known to be nonconfrontational and do not typically bite or cause significant damage to homes. Look out for these pests clinging to your siding during the fall as the temperature drops, and they come in search of warmth.

House Bug Prevention Tips

While discovering a pest infestation in your home can be distressing, there are things you can do to prevent more from coming in the future. Some of the best ways to prevent household pests include:

  • Avoid leaving dirty dishes in the sink
  • Regularly remove your trash from your home
  • Seal any cracks or crevices with caulk
  • Trim overgrown weeds and foliage on your property
  • Inspect secondhand furniture or clothing before bringing it into your home
  • Remove unnecessary clutter from your home
  • Invest in routine pest control services

When to Call an Exterminator

If you discover a pest infestation of any kind, you must act fast and contact a pest control professional immediately. Even if you think seeing one or two bugs isn’t a big deal, there may be more lurking around your home that you aren’t aware of.

As a homeowner, contacting a pest control professional is always in your best interest. An experienced exterminator will inspect your home to determine what kind of pest you’re dealing with and recommend a targeted course of treatment to get rid of them.


How do house bugs enter homes in Maryland?

Bugs will enter a home in any way possible, either by flying in through an open window or through cracks and crevices you may not even know are there. If you live in an apartment building or townhouse, you may be even more prone to bugs entering your unit, as they frequently travel from one living space to the next due to the close proximity.

Are house bugs in Maryland harmful to humans or pets?

While many household pests seem to pose no real threat to humans or pets, such as certain types of spiders or ladybugs, certain pests can be harmful to those who come into contact with them.

Cockroaches, ticks, mosquitoes, and many other pests are known to carry diseases that can be extremely harmful and even fatal in the most severe cases, so it is in the best interest of you and your loved ones to take care of a pest infestation promptly, no matter how big or small it may be.