Spiders are some of the most common household pests in the world, with approximately 45,000 different species that we know of. In addition to being extremely common, spiders are also some of the most feared household pests, ranking arachnophobia as one of the most common phobias worldwide.

Although spiders are mostly beneficial to humans, there are a few dangerous types of spiders in Maryland, such as the Black Widow, that all homeowners should be aware of and able to identify.

By understanding the types of spiders common to Maryland and learning why they enter your home, you will be better prepared to keep them away for good.

Common Household Spiders in Maryland

First, it’s important to understand which type of spider in Maryland you are dealing with and their behavior to best prevent them. Some Maryland spiders prefer to remain outside, while others will make a comfortable nest in your attic or basement.

  • Cellar spiders: Delicate spiders with long, thin legs are known for building webs in dark, secluded places like cellars.
  • Crab spiders: Short-legged spiders that resemble crabs, often found on flowers, waiting to ambush prey.
  • Cobweb spiders: Builders of messy, irregular webs found in corners or abandoned structures.
  • Nursery Web spiders: Spider species known for creating protective silk nests for their spiderlings.
  • Black Widow spiders: Venomous spiders characterized by a black body with a red hourglass shape on the abdomen.
  • Jumping spiders: Small, agile spiders with excellent vision are known for their jumping abilities.
  • Wolf spiders: Robust, ground-dwelling spiders that actively hunt down prey instead of relying on webs.

Reasons Spiders Enter Your Home

While seeing the odd spider or two in your home isn’t usually cause for concern, there is one primary reason why spiders may be more drawn to your home–other bugs.

Like all other critters, spiders need two things to survive: food and water. By keeping a messy home that attracts bugs, you will inadvertently attract spiders.

For this reason, spiders may actually act as natural pest prevention engineers. However, they can often become a pest themselves.

In some cases, spiders may also make their way into homes by hitching a ride on cardboard boxes or packages, so carefully inspect these items before bringing them inside.

How to Keep Spiders Away

If you want to keep spiders away for good, you need to keep a clean home free of other bugs. However, if you need help dealing with an immediate infestation, here are three things you can do to get rid of spiders quickly and keep them from coming back.

Natural Spider Repellents

When it comes to getting rid of spiders, many homeowners would prefer to take a more natural route before having to resort to using harsh chemicals. Essential oils have long been one of the most popular methods for repelling spiders, as there are several scents these creepy crawlers are known to dislike.

Scented oil like peppermint, citrus, and lemon balm can be added to a spray bottle mixed with water and applied to areas in the home where spiders are most active, such as the kitchen or basement.

Diatomaceous earth is another natural remedy that can be effective in getting rid of spiders. This powder, which is safe for humans and pets, can be sprinkled on areas where spiders frequently travel. When the spiders walk on top of the powder, it will cut their legs with microscopic edges, eventually dehydrating and killing them.

Store-bought Insecticides

Store-bought insecticides are some of the most popular methods for killing spiders, as these solutions are easily accessible and easy to use. Some of the most popular brands include Raid, Terro, and Ortho, and there are multiple different formulas to choose from.

However, it is important to note that these solutions contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to humans and pets if ingested, so make sure you carefully read the directions before applying any insecticides in your home.

Homemade Remedies

DIY spider-repellent solutions are a great option for homeowners working within a budget or looking for a more natural approach to pest management. One of the most popular homemade remedies involves combining white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and applying the solution to areas where spiders most frequently hang out.

The acidic nature of the vinegar will kill spiders on contact, making this an effective and affordable solution. [Learn More: How To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Baltimore Home?]

General Spider Prevention Tips

In addition to the spider prevention tips mentioned earlier, there are other more general tips homeowners should follow for the best chance of keeping spiders at bay:

  • Install screens on doors and windows (or replace any broken screens)
  • Vacuum away webs
  • Clear your yard of clutter and debris
  • Eliminate food sources
  • Purchase spider traps

Finally, if all other methods have not worked, it may be time to pick up the phone and contact an exterminator. Most exterminators also offer pest prevention plans designed to keep spiders and additional pests away year-round.


Do Ultrasonic Repellent Devices Work on Spiders?

While ultrasonic repellent devices may get rid of a few spiders or have a minor short-term effect on the spiders in your home, these devices are not believed to be effective at killing or preventing spiders.

How Often Should You Reapply Natural Repellents?

The frequency at which you reapply natural or DIY spider repellent will depend on the ingredients or specific repellent you use. While some repellents may need to be reapplied weekly to be effective, others may only need to be reapplied once a month or so for best results.

What Are the Signs of a Spider Infestation?

Due to their silent nature and sneaky tendencies, a spider infestation could go unnoticed for a long time before being discovered. If you suspect you may be dealing with a spider infestation, some of the most common signs to look out for include seeing spider webs in and around the house, dead insects, mysterious bite marks or skin irritations, and live spider sightings.