While there is so much to love about the springtime, the re-emergence of common spring bugs is not one of them.

Many people tend to think that cold weather either freezes or kills starving insects, which go away for good at the first sign of snowfall. On the contrary, many insects enter a state of diapause, which allows them to survive the winter and re-emerge in the spring—similar to a state of hibernation.

For this reason, you may notice the reappearance of ants, boxelder bugs, and stink bugs–especially if you recently dealt with them during the fall.

Other common spring bugs in Maryland, such as cockroaches, also reappear as a result of hiding out in your home or in warm trees. And other insects, like the mosquito, may simply migrate back up north with the warmer weather.

To keep Maryland homeowners prepared for what may come, we’ve outlined five common spring bugs that reappear year after year they should be aware of.


While stink bugs and box elders may be a nuisance, mosquitoes actually can be a danger to Maryland homeowners.

In fact, when you think of pesky outdoor pests, mosquitoes are probably some of the first to come to mind. Not only do mosquitoes leave annoying, itchy bumps on everyone they bite, but these pests also carry a number of diseases that can be harmful to humans, including malaria and West Nile Virus–yes, even in Maryland.

When Do Mosquitoes Appear?

While people living in the South may see the first mosquito of the year in February, most of the country won’t notice them until closer to March or April. Once the temperature consistently reaches about 50 degrees, mosquito eggs will begin to hatch, so be prepared.

Signs of Mosquitoes in Your Yard

Mosquitoes are notoriously stealthy, and you may not even notice that you have been bitten until you start to feel itchy. However, if you look closely, you may notice some mosquitoes hovering around your outdoor lights or any standing water in your yard, like a bird bath.

How to Prevent Mosquitoes

Mosquito bites can be prevented by applying a bug spray before spending time outdoors, especially at night. Burning a citronella candle or growing citronella plants can also be effective, though these are temporary solutions. The only true long-term solution is applying a mosquito yard spray from a trusted exterminator in your area.

Carpenter and Sugar Ants

Ants are some of the most common pests, especially during the spring when they re-emerge from their state of diapause. In particular, Carpenter and sugar ants are some of the most common types of ants you’ll find in Maryland, and getting rid of them can be tricky.

When Do Ants Appear?

Carpenter and sugar ants typically appear in March or April after sticking out the winter and usually last until early fall.

Signs of Ants

There are several telltale signs of an ant infestation, including spotting wood shavings and frass around the house, hearing rustling noises, and physically seeing ants. Ants are also known to infest any unsealed food containers, especially sweet foods like honey. Finally, you’ll be able to spot ants in your yard by the presence of ant hills, which should be removed promptly.

How to Prevent Ants

Getting rid of ant hills and using baits/traps to deal with existing ants in your home may be effective. However, when that doesn’t work, your only option may be to invest in professional ant control.


Out of all the spring bugs on this list, termites are some of the most dreadful. Termites are known for causing significant structural damage to the homes they infest, amounting to billions in damages each year. Dealing with termites as soon as possible is essential to keeping your home safe.

When Do Termites Appear?

Termites typically appear in spring, between April and May, especially after significant rainfall.

Signs of Termites

The signs of a termite infestation are usually obvious and include:

  • Mud tubes that run from the ground up to the side of the house
  • Discarded wings from swarmers
  • Hollow-sounding or damaged wood
  • Live termite sightings

How to Prevent Termites

The best way to prevent termites is to block them from entering your home in the first place. This can be done using a caulk, cement, or other kind of sealant to close any cracks or crevices that may be giving these pests easy access to your home. Additionally, you should remove any wood debris or softwoods exposed to water that are lying around your property.


Cockroaches are another household pest you want to avoid. Not only are cockroaches notoriously hard to get rid of but these creepy pests are also known to carry diseases that can be harmful to humans who come into contact with them. We recommend contacting an exterminator at the first sign of a cockroach infestation.

When Do Cockroaches Appear?

Cockroaches often appear during the spring months and are typically most active at night.

Signs of Cockroaches

Some common signs of a cockroach infestation include:

  • Cockroach droppings
  • Egg cases
  • Smear marks on walls and surfaces
  • A strange odor in the house

How to Prevent Cockroaches

Keeping a clean house is one of the best ways to prevent cockroaches from invading your space. These pests are attracted to food and water sources, so keeping your food and trash properly sealed and fixing any leaky faucets or pipes will reduce your chances of encountering cockroaches.


Ticks are another common bug you may encounter during the springtime, especially around the perimeter of your home underneath low-lying bushes and trees.

When Do Ticks Appear?

Ticks are most active anytime the weather is above freezing, typically from March to May and August to November.

Signs of Ticks

You should always inspect yourself for ticks after traveling through forests or bushes.

The signs of a tick-borne illness include headache, fatigue, joint pain, rash, and fever. If you notice any of these signs after spending time outdoors, seek medical attention immediately.

How to Prevent Ticks

While being bitten by a tick can become serious, there are things you can do to prevent this from happening. Wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants that are tight at the ankles, showering as soon as you get home from spending time outdoors, and regularly inspecting yourself and your loved ones for ticks are all great ways to reduce your chances of being bitten.

When is the best time to schedule professional pest control services for spring pests?

When it comes to scheduling your professional pest control services, the earlier you call your exterminator, the better. For the best results, you should aim for February or March, as many pests start to emerge during these months. Getting ahead of this and having your property sprayed before they emerge will increase your chances of enjoying a pest-free spring and summer.


Are there any plants that attract beneficial insects for pest control in the garden?

Certain insects, like bees and ladybugs, are known to be beneficial in the garden. Planting Queen Anne’s lace, dill, and cilantro is a great way to attract these insects and encourage them to stick around!

Can I use essential oils to repel springtime pests?

Certain essential oils, most notably peppermint, lavender, lemongrass, and citronella, are known to effectively repel pests. These oils can be diffused in the home or added to a spray bottle with water and applied to areas where pests have been spotted. However, we do not endorse counting on essential oils to protect against springtime pests.