Due to evolutionary traits beyond our control, it’s been learned that most mosquitoes must snack on some blood before laying their eggs.

This is why your summer BBQs always seem to be crashed by some unsavory characters (i.e., mosquitoes).

Thanks to Maryland’s humid summers, you may notice more Mosquitoes in Maryland than in some other places of the country. But don’t let this deter you from fighting against these pesky pests.

This summer, don’t let you and your loved ones get eaten alive. Follow these seven helpful and effective tips for getting rid of mosquitoes in your yard.

How Dangerous Are Mosquitoes?

While most mosquito bites cause nothing more than some annoying itching, some mosquitoes carry diseases that can be extremely dangerous to humans..

Examples include:

  • Malaria
  • West Nile virus
  • Zika
  • Yellow fever

For this reason, it’s best to avoid mosquitoes whenever possible to protect you and your loved ones.

Signs of a Mosquito Infestation

While mosquitoes are often only evident by the itchy bites you may get after spending time outdoors, there are a few signs of a mosquito infestation to be aware of.

If you notice excessive mosquito bites, hear buzzing noises, or detect mosquito larvae in standing water, it’s time to start acting quickly.

The sooner you implement these seven tips below to eliminate mosquitoes in your yard, the higher your success chance will be.

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

Whether you’re planning a barbecue, a garden party, or simply lounging outside, the presence of mosquitoes can significantly dampen the enjoyment of your outdoor spaces.

Fortunately, there are effective strategies to reduce their numbers and reclaim the comfort of your Maryland yard.

Let’s explore seven practical tips to minimize mosquito populations around your home, ensuring your outdoor moments are enjoyable and bite-free.

1. Eliminate Standing Water

Understanding what attracts mosquitoes to your yard will help you be able to combat them effectively.

Mosquitoes are first and foremost drawn to standing water, where they will lay their eggs and larvae. Look for sources of standing water like bird baths, kiddie pools, and overwatered plants that can attract mosquitoes.

Drain them of their standing water or treat the water appropriately with chlorine or some other chemical.

2. Clean Up Yard Debris and Gutters

Mosquitoes may also hide out yard debris or clogged gutters, especially since these places offer the moisture they are often looking for. Staying on top of lawn maintenance and regularly clearing your gutters every season are essential ways to prevent mosquitoes from invading your space.

3. Install Bug Repellent Barriers

Installing screens or hanging up mosquito netting is a great way to prevent getting bitten this summer. If you spend a lot of time in your backyard or on your patio, putting up protective screens and netting can block mosquitoes from flying into your personal space and biting you.

4. Employ Fans

It is believed that increasing airflow can help deter mosquitoes, so using a fan when spending time outdoors may be effective in keeping these pests at bay! Since mosquitoes’ wings are not strong enough to withstand strong airflow, be sure to set your fan on a high enough setting to disturb them.

5. Use a Broadcast Treatment

A broadcast treatment involves using insecticides to cover a large area of land, which can be highly effective in removing mosquitoes. However, be sure to carefully read the directions on the insecticide you plan on using, and enlist the help of a pest control professional if you need help with how to apply the treatment.

6. Light Up Citronella Candles

Burning citronella candles whenever you spend time outdoors can be an effective way to deter mosquitoes and other pests. These candles can be purchased at most home improvement or hardware stores and are typically inexpensive. You can also grow citronella grass in your backyard as an extra layer of defense.

7. Wear Proper Clothing

Wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants on cooler nights can help prevent mosquito bites and eventually deter them. The more skin you show, the more surface area mosquitoes have to bite you, so covering up may be effective in preventing mosquito bites. Long sleeves will also muffle the smell of cologne or sweat that could attract mosquitoes in the first place.

When Should I Call an Exterminator for Mosquitoes?

The presence of mosquitoes during the summer months does not typically require an exterminator, but there are instances when you may want to reach out to a pest control professional. If you are dealing with a large infestation that does not seem to be responding to pest control methods or if there is a risk of transmitted disease, it may be in your best interest to enlist the help of an exterminator.

Pest Czar offers quick treatments and residential pest control plans to deter mosquitoes and 40 other types of pests from your property.


What diseases can mosquitoes transmit?

Mosquitoes can be incredibly dangerous to humans due to the number of diseases many of them carry. Some of the most common diseases mosquitoes transmit include malaria, West Nile virus, Zika, and yellow fever.

How can I prevent mosquito bites naturally?

There are several ways to prevent mosquito bites without using bug sprays. Burning citronella candles, getting rid of standing water, and diffusing essential oils known to repel mosquitoes, such as cinnamon and eucalyptus, can all effectively prevent mosquito bites.

Do mosquito repellents work effectively?

Many mosquito repellents have been proven effective, including chemical/spray repellents, citronella plants and candles, essential oils, and mosquito repellent wristbands. However, no mosquito repellent is 100% effective, and you may still be bitten even when using these methods.