As the summer comes to an end and the chilly fall months begin, you may notice the arrival of certain pests in and around your home.

While it may be more common to see bees and ants during the summer, certain pests tend to be more of a problem for homeowners during the fall months. Mice, ticks, spiders, and other kinds of pests often make their way into many Maryland homes this time of year in pursuit of warmth, shelter, and food.

Fall is the perfect time to both fight back against common fall and winter pests before the temperatures drop and they flock to your basement. Here are eight fall pest control tips for Maryland homeowners this season.

Common Pests in Maryland During Fall

Pest control is a year-round task that requires active preventative measures to keep your home pest-free. Maryland homeowners may be familiar with box elders and other common insects that tend to flock to their houses during the fall, including:

  • Stink Bugs
  • Ticks
  • Rodents
  • Ladybugs
  • Spiders

Knowing that many of these pests tend to seek warmth, shelter, and food sources during the colder months, we can control these things to help keep common fall bugs away.

DIY Fall Pest Control Tips

Don’t fret; there are several DIY tips and tricks you can use to control pests and prevent them from invading your home this fall.

1. Clean Out Gutters

Fallen leaves, standing water, and debris can all attract various pests to your home, and dirty or clogged gutters create the perfect breeding ground for these unwanted guests. A good rule of thumb is to clean your gutters twice a year, preferably in the spring and fall. This will ensure that your gutters function correctly and that pests do not feel inclined to stick around.

2. Rake and Clean Up Leaves

Fallen leaves can attract pests to your yard and even into your home, which is why it is important to regularly remove any fallen leaves from your property this season. Getting into the habit of raking and removing the leaves from your lawn or backyard will give you a better chance of avoiding any encounters with pests this fall.

3. Seal Cracks and Gaps

Sealing any cracks or gaps in your home is imperative when it comes to preventing pests this fall. Rodents, spiders, and other types of pests will try to gain access to your home in any way they can, and having cracks and crevices in your doors, walls, or floors will make it easier for them to enter. You can seal these cracks in your home yourself by using a store-bought caulk or sealant.

4. Screen All Openings

Just as pests will gain access to your home through cracks and crevices, they can also enter through any open windows or broken screens. To prevent this from happening, screen in any doors or windows that do not already have a screen, and repair or replace any broken screens you may find.

5. Install Door Sweeps and Weatherstripping

Installing door sweeps and weatherstripping to your doors and windows can help keep pests out of your home this fall. As mentioned earlier, pests can gain access to your home through cracks and crevices, so sealing all entry points can keep them out of your house.

6. Keep Firewood Covered

Firewood is another thing that can attract pests, such as termites, to your home, especially if it is damp or exposed. To prevent this from happening, keep all firewood covered with a tarp and store it far away from your home if possible.

7. Tidy Up Your Home

Keeping your home clean and free of clutter can significantly reduce your chances of encountering pests this fall. Be sure to stay on top of washing your dirty dishes, take out the trash when it gets full, and remove any excess clutter or junk for a pest-free home.

8. Keep Pets and Children Safe from Ticks

Spending time outdoors during the fall months puts you at a greater risk of picking up a tick, and you may unknowingly bring that tick into your house once it has latched onto you. Pets and children are often the most vulnerable when it comes to being bitten by these pests, so be sure to check them for ticks after spending time outdoors this fall.

We offer safe and effective mosquito and tick sprays that create a barrier that prevents these pests from crossing onto your property.

Why Invest in a Residential Pest Control Program for All Seasons?

Investing in a residential pest control program is highly beneficial for homeowners everywhere, but especially those in Maryland who can expect to encounter many different pests throughout the year. Pests don’t just go away after the fall season is over, and many of them may even stick around throughout the year if not exterminated. A residential pest control program for all seasons is your best bet for keeping your home pest-free all year long.

For more information, check out what our Czar Guard plans can do for your home.


How can I keep rodents out of my house during the fall?

Rodents are some of the most common types of pests during the fall months, as they tend to seek warmth and shelter from the cold by invading your home. To keep these pests away, be sure to seal any cracks and crevices in your home, keep food properly sealed and stored, and keep your yard free from any fallen leaves or debris.

What natural or DIY methods can I use for fall pest control?

If you prefer to take a DIY approach to pest control this fall, there are several things you can try. Diatomaceous earth is popular for pest control and can be purchased at most home improvement stores.

How do I identify signs of a pest infestation in the fall?

When figuring out if you’re dealing with a pest infestation this fall, there are several signs to look for. This includes pest droppings, strange odors, bite marks on furniture, and scratching sounds coming from inside the walls.