Termites are undoubtedly among the most destructive household pests in Maryland. The dangerous thing about these pests is that they can go unnoticed for years, in some cases, only to be discovered when it’s too late and serious damage has already been done to a home.

Many Maryland homeowners have learned this the hard way and end up shelling out hundreds and even thousands of dollars to repair the damage they cause.

Having routine termite inspections conducted in your home can save you the headache of dealing with a termite infestation and may even help you catch a developing infestation before it gets out of control.

Do you suspect you might have termites on your property and are in need of termite inspection and control? Here’s everything you need to know about termite inspections and why they’re so important.

Importance of Termite Inspections

Because of how incredibly destructive a termite infestation can be, it is imperative that you stay on top of termite prevention and subsequent treatment. Annual termite inspections can help you avoid a termite infestation altogether by identifying the early signs of a termite infestation and taking measures to prevent the problem from growing.

Termite inspections are the first step toward remedying any termite infestation you may have on your property.

While some homeowners may fret over the costs of an inspection, the benefits far outweigh the costs.

  • Long-Term Savings: Unfortunately, termite treatment is more expensive than an inspection, and repairing termite damage is significantly more expensive than both of those combined. Therefore, performing an inspection–especially in older homes that are more prone to termites–can save you money over the long run.
  • Protect the Integrity of Your Home: The main reason to protect against termites is to protect the safety and integrity of your home. Termites can weaken framing members by damaging soft wood, such as floor joists and studs that keep your home in one piece.
  • Maintain Resale Value: Even the slightest mention of previous termite damage can lower your home’s resale value.
  • Less Stress: You simply can’t put a price on the peace of mind that a regular termite inspection can afford. Since these are included in many of our home protection plans, you can get even more peace of mind that your home is protected against over a dozen common household pests in Maryland.

What Do Termite Inspections Check For?

A termite inspection conducted by a pest control professional will address several points, including:

  • Any current signs of termites
  • Any past signs of termite infestation or damage
  • Vulnerabilities that could lead to an infestation in the future

Your inspector will check for areas of your home that most homeowners would not think to check, including behind baseboards, under crawl spaces, behind sheds, and even in any hollowed-out wood in your yard.

An experienced exterminator should always conduct a termite inspection, as they will know what to look for and have the tools to spot termites, which are not always easy to find. However, it is still important to watch for the signs of a termite presence so that you know when to call an exterminator.

Signs I Need a Termite Inspection

If you spot any of the following signs of termites on your property, you should contact a professional immediately for an inspection.

  • Mud tubes on the interior and exterior walls of your home
  • Discarded insect wings
  • Wood damage to your home
  • Seeing termite swarmers
  • Buckling paint
  • Frass, or termite droppings
  • Hollow-sounding wood
  • Bouncy floors
  • Seeing live termites around your home

How Often Should I Get a Termite Inspection?

This is a very important question that really depends on your home and budget.

We recommend conducting an annual termite inspection to detect any early signs of a termite infestation, especially during the warmer months after the mating season. This is especially important if you live in warmer, moist climates, like Maryland, where termite activity is more common.

However, to save you money and keep you protected, we offer additional termite inspection and prevention services that can be bundled with any of our home protection plans for your peace of mind. Contact us today to learn more about how these plans and our termite inspections work!


What time of year is best for a termite inspection?

The best time of year to conduct a termite infestation is typically during the winter months. This is because as soon as the weather starts to heat up, termites will start to multiply and travel more, making it more difficult to locate and control them. When scheduling your annual termite inspection, try to plan it during the winter months.

How long does a termite inspection typically take?

A typical termite inspection can take anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours. The length of time your inspection will take will depend on the size of your home, as well as if you have an attic, basement, or crawl space that these pests may be hiding in. The more thorough the inspection is, the longer it will typically take.

Should I get a termite inspection before buying a house?

While it is common for prospective homebuyers to have a professional inspection done before purchasing a home, these inspections do not typically cover termites. However, if you have concerns about there possibly being termites in a home you are interested in buying, there is no harm in hiring your own exterminator to conduct an inspection.

It is better to know ahead of time about an infestation than after the closing of your new house, and doing so in advance can save you a lot of money and heartache.