As the days start getting shorter and the air gets cooler, many Maryland homeowners are beginning to settle and prepare their homes for the fall months. While there is so much to love about this time of year (who doesn’t look forward to sipping hot apple cider by the fireplace?), with the fall months also come fall pests.

From termites to stink bugs, to rodents to ladybugs, there are many pests that thrive in the fall, requiring a new approach to pest control from many Maryland homeowners. This season, make sure you’re one step ahead of these pests by knowing how to prevent fall pests from invading your home.

1. Rodents

  • Signs: Droppings, gnaw marks, scampering sounds, nests made of soft materials
  • Prevention Methods: Seal all entry points, store food in airtight containers, keep your home clutter-free
  • Threat Level: High – Rodents can spread diseases and cause damage by chewing through electrical wires and insulation

Rodents are some of the most common fall pests in Maryland. As temperatures drop, they tend to seek shelter indoors, which is why you may notice them in your home during the fall and winter. Once inside, they can be difficult to eradicate and may pose health risks, making it essential to implement preventive measures before an infestation occurs.

2. Termites

  • Signs: Discarded wings, mud tubes along walls, frass (termite droppings), bubbling or uneven paint, hollow-sounding wood
  • Prevention Methods: Reduce moisture around your foundation, repair leaks, store firewood away from the home, and have regular termite inspections
  • Threat Level: High – Termites cause significant structural damage over time if left untreated

Termites are another household pest that are commonly seen during the fall months. Some telltale signs of a termite infestation include discarded insect wings, mud tubes, frass, and bubbling or uneven paint on the walls of your home. Preventing termite infestations early can save you from costly repairs down the road.

3. Stink Bugs

  • Signs: Sightings of the bugs on walls, windows, or ceilings, unpleasant odor when disturbed
  • Prevention Methods: Seal cracks, install screens on windows and vents, remove food sources like fruit and vegetables from countertops
  • Threat Level: Low – While they don’t cause damage, they release a foul odor when crushed

Maryland homeowners are more likely to see stink bugs during the fall months, as these pests tend to make their way indoors in search of warmth. Although stink bugs are not harmful to humans or pets, they emit an offensive smell when squished, making their presence particularly unwelcome indoors.

4. Boxelder Bugs

  • Signs: Groups of bugs on sunny sides of buildings, droppings that can stain surfaces, entry through small cracks
  • Prevention Methods: Seal cracks in doors and windows, weatherstrip your home, remove boxelder trees if possible
  • Threat Level: Low – Boxelder bugs are generally more of a nuisance than a threat, but their droppings can stain fabric and furniture

Boxelder bugs are another pest you may notice in your home this fall. These bugs can gain access to homes through tiny cracks and crevices in floors, walls, and windows, which is why it is imperative that you seal and weatherstrip your home this season. While they aren’t harmful, they can become a nuisance if they gather in large numbers.

5. Spotted Lanternflies

  • Signs: Adult lanternflies on trees and plants, egg masses on flat surfaces, a sticky substance called honeydew that attracts mold
  • Prevention Methods: Scrape and destroy egg masses, remove tree-of-heaven (a preferred host plant), and use sticky bands around trees
  • Threat Level: High – Spotted lanternflies can damage trees and plants, impacting agriculture and landscaping

While spotted lanternflies are more commonly found in the summer, they have been known to persist through the fall and winter. These pests lay their eggs from September through November and can be seen as late as December in some areas. Their ability to destroy trees and plants makes them a serious agricultural and ecological threat.

6. Ladybugs (Asian Lady Beetles)

  • Signs: Sightings of large groups near windows, ceilings, and light fixtures
  • Prevention Methods: Seal windows and doors, repair damaged screens, and vacuum up ladybugs as they appear
  • Threat Level: Low – Though harmless, ladybugs can become an annoyance if they gather in large numbers

Homeowners are more likely to notice ladybugs during the fall months, as these bugs tend to seek warmth and shelter this time of year. While ladybugs are harmless and often seen as a sign of good luck, large infestations can be bothersome. Contact a pest control professional if you notice a significant number of them in your home.

7. Spiders

  • Signs: Webs in corners of rooms, basements, or attics; sightings of spiders themselves, particularly in dark areas
  • Prevention Methods: Keep your home clean and free of clutter, seal cracks, remove webs as soon as you notice them
  • Threat Level: Medium to High – While many spiders are harmless, some species can pose a health risk due to venomous bites

Spiders tend to mate in the fall, which is why you may see more of them during these months. While most household spiders are harmless, some species contain venom that can be harmful to humans and pets. If you start to notice more spiders in your house this fall, contact a professional exterminator to prevent any potential risks.

Fall Bug Prevention Tips

While seeing the occasional bug this time of year is unavoidable, there are steps you can take to prevent them from invading your home, including:

  • Sealing cracks and crevices with caulk or sealant
  • Maintaining lawn and foliage
  • Removing excess clutter from home
  • Weatherstripping doors and windows
  • Keep garbage cans sealed and away from home
  • Properly seal and store food and drinks
  • Eliminate moisture and standing water

By implementing these simple yet effective steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of a pest invasion and keep your Maryland home protected throughout the fall season.

The Importance of a Seasonal Pest Control Plan

Having a seasonal pest control plan is essential for maintaining a pest-free home throughout the year, especially in regions like Maryland, where changing weather can bring about new challenges with each season. As temperatures drop in the fall, many pests begin to seek warmth and shelter indoors, making your home an attractive option.

At Pest Czar, our Czar Guard home protection plans provide guaranteed resistance against over a dozen common fall bugs and pests in Maryland for both businesses and residents. For more information, including plan add-ons and features, contact us today for a quote!


What are the most effective methods for dealing with fall bug infestations?

When it comes to dealing with a pest infestation of any kind, your best bet is to contact a professional exterminator immediately upon discovering the infestation. An experienced pest control professional will be able to inspect your home to determine the type of infestation you’re dealing with and come up with a custom treatment plan to attack the pests in your home and prevent them from returning.

Are any of these fall bugs harmful to humans or pets?

While most bugs you may find in your home during the fall months are not harmful to humans or pets, you will still want to address any sort of infestation immediately upon discovering it. Certain pests, like rodents, can carry diseases that are harmful to those who come in contact with them, so you will want to aggressively treat the pest problem in your home right away.