Arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias in the world, impacting anywhere between 3% to 15% of the American population.

While most phobias are considered irrational, arachnophobia may be a natural evolutionary response to the venom that spiders used to infect our ancestors with.

Nevertheless, spotting a creepy crawly is reasonable enough to send chills down your spine, even if most spiders are innocuous.

So if you’re worried about spiders in your house and want to keep them out for good, we’ve listed ten foolproof spider-prevention tips.

Which Spiders Are Considered Dangerous?

First, it’s important to identify any spider in your house and determine whether or not they are dangerous.

Luckily, most spiders are harmless and natural predators against more dangerous insects, like flies, mosquitos, and moths.

However, there are some species of spiders in Maryland and much of the northeast that are considered venomous:

  • Brown Recluse
  • Black Widow
  • Red Widow
  • Brown Widow
  • Wolf Spider

The black widow is considered the most poisonous spider in North America. Its venom is potent, and in minutes, you will experience intense pain that could last 12 hours. In many cases, people need medical attention.

Thankfully, most spiders will not bite unless threatened.

Why Are Spiders In My Home?

Spiders are amazing predators that eat insects and pests like ants, mosquitos, and roaches. So you could say that they save you money on the price of pest control.

For this reason, they may find their way into your home if there is a large presence of bugs.

Therefore, the best way to prevent spiders is to prevent other pests.

Spiders may also be attracted to moisture in your basement, crawl space, or bathroom–although this will attract other pests as well.

Finally, you will tend to see more and more spiders as they emerge for the mating season around the start of fall.

10 Prevention and Removal Tips To Keep Spiders Out

If you’ve spotted a spider infestation in your home, we’ve provided several steps you can take to eliminate and prevent new ones from coming.

1. Clean Up Trash

First, eliminate the primary food source for spiders: other pests. While spiders may not be attracted to garbage, other pests like rodents, cockroaches, and beetles will be that spiders snack on.

So clean up and seal any garbage receptacles in your house to prevent bugs and spiders from entering inside.

2. Clear Out Any Clutter

Likewise, spiders like to create hiding spaces in dark, undisturbed areas of your home. Remove excess clutter and consider cleaning in corners of the home that you normally would not touch with a shop vac or duster.

3. Get Rid of Webs Immediately

Spider webs are the surest sign of a spider’s presence in your home. Eliminate any webs inside or around your home with a broom or vacuum them up. Just be sure you don’t disturb a poisonous spider;  if you spot one, opt for the vacuum instead.

4. Install a Dehumidifier

Clear up any standing water and excess moisture in your home that attracts spiders and insects. A dehumidifier should help remove any excess moisture from the air and make your basement or attic uninhabitable to other insects.

5. Clear Up Yard Debris

Firewood, branches, and overgrown grass can attract several insects, including spiders. So be sure to mow your lawn and clean up any clutter.

Likewise, garden spiders may be attracted to weeds in your garden, so be sure to maintain your plants.

6. Install Screens and Seal Cracks

Physically prevent spiders from entering your home by installing screens over windows and doors. Use caulking to seal any cracks and seams around your house where spiders and other insects can enter.

7. Get a Pet

Cats, lizards, birds, and even frogs can be natural deterrents against spiders, as they will kill these creatures once spotted.

8. Use Essential Oils

Strong scents can be a natural deterrent to many spiders. Consider lighting a citronella candle outside or spraying peppermint or tea tree oil with a diffuser or directly to cracks where bugs enter your home.

9. Use a Spider Trap

Spider traps are an effective way to treat spiders already inside your home. They are cheap and can kill several spiders, though they will be ineffective against a full infestation.

10. Call a Professional

The best way to deal with pests of any size is to get professional assistance. Pest Czar’s Czar Guard defends against several species of pests, including spiders, for a low monthly payment.

However, you can contact us about emergency treatment if you are dealing with a large infestation of spiders.


Do dryer sheets get rid of spiders?

Unfortunately, no evidence supports the myth that dryer sheets are an effective deterrent against spiders.

Is it normal to see a spider in your house every day?

It may be normal to see a spider frequently around your property, especially if you live in more rural areas. However, if you started spotting multiple spiders daily, this could be a sign of an infestation.

Where do spiders lay eggs in houses?

Spiders commonly lay eggs in small crawl spaces and unoccupied rooms. They also lay eggs behind closet doors, under leaky sinks, and sofas.