When you think of the word “pest,” ticks are not often the first to come to mind. Ticks are something most of us don’t really think about unless you’re someone who lives in a heavily wooded area where these pests are more common. While pulling the occasional tick off of your dog may seem benign, ticks can be incredibly dangerous due to the many diseases they carry.

With summer right around the corner, ticks can flock to yards with even a little covering brush around its perimeter and wreak havoc on your loved ones. Here are some of our best tips for getting rid of ticks in your Maryland yard for good, as well as answers to some of the most commonly asked tick questions.

How Dangerous Are Ticks?

Ticks are some of the most dangerous types of pests due to the many diseases they carry, with the most notable being Lyme disease. Lyme disease can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms, including fatigue, muscle and joint aches, vision changes, and more.

Ticks are also known to carry:

  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
  • Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness
  • Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever

And several other diseases. If you or a loved one are bitten by a tick, test it to see if it carries any of these diseases.

Where Do Ticks Tend to Dwell?

Ticks are most commonly found in areas with tall grass and overgrown foliage, often fields and backyards that aren’t being maintained. Ticks also prefer to stay close to their hosts, often dogs, cats, or deer.

However, in many cases, ticks may end up in Maryland yards by hitching a ride on deer and squirrels. Once there, they will dwell under trees–most commonly spruce and pine trees.

How to Get Rid of Ticks in Your Yard

Luckily, there are many ways to get rid of ticks in your yard. Here are some of the most effective solutions:

Use a Pesticide

Pesticides and insecticides are considered to be highly effective when it comes to getting rid of ticks. There are many different options on the market, from store-bought solutions to professional pesticide application by an experienced exterminator. Whenever you’re considering using harsh chemicals to get rid of ticks, it is imperative that you carefully research the kind of chemical you intend to use to make sure you are applying it correctly.

When in doubt, it is always a good idea to contact a pest control expert to get the job done safely and effectively. Our mosquito perimeter spray helps repel ticks, mosquitoes, and fleas for weeks-long relief.

Cut Grass and Trim Hedges

One of the most effective ways to prevent ticks in your yard is to keep up with your landscaping and lawn maintenance. Ticks like to hang out in tall grass and overgrown foliage, so you may unknowingly be creating a welcoming environment for these pests without even realizing it. Regularly cutting your grass and neatly trimming any excess foliage is one of the best ways to prevent ticks from biting you and your loved ones.

Install a Mulch Barrier

One common way to prevent ticks is to add a protective barrier of mulch around your yard, as ticks will not cross a mulch border. A mulch barrier can be created either by yourself or a professional landscaper. While doing this will not completely prevent ticks from entering your yard, it will significantly reduce the amount of ticks on your property.

Sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is an all-natural solution for getting rid of ticks that is safe for both humans and pets. Diatomaceous earth works by dehydrating ticks that come into contact with the solution, killing them within a few hours. To try this method, simply sprinkle the powder around your yard in areas where ticks have been found.

Introduce Nematodes

Nematodes are microorganisms that carry a bacteria that is fatal to many pests. When a tick comes in contact with a nematode, the bacteria is released and liquefies the tick’s tissue, killing it. Entomopathogenic nematodes, or EPNs, are the most lethal to ticks and are the most common nematodes to be introduced to handle a tick problem.

Eliminating ticks may not be your top priority, but if you have discovered multiple ticks on your dog or person, you need to contact an exterminator. Our residential home protection plans feature options to defend against ticks to ensure you and your loved ones are safe.


Are there natural methods to control tick populations in my yard?

There are several natural ways to prevent ticks from infesting your yard, with the most effective being maintaining the grass and foliage on your property. Regularly cutting your grass and trimming your bushes and hedges can significantly reduce the number of ticks in your yard. You can also grow tick-repellent plants, such as lavender, sweet basil, garlic, and rosemary, as ticks are known to dislike the strong scents these plants give off.

Do tick-repellent plants really work?

As mentioned earlier, there are certain plants that ticks are known to dislike. While you should not solely rely on these plants to keep ticks away from your yard, growing them can be used as an additional tick prevention measure on top of professional pest control.

How often should I mow my lawn to reduce tick habitat?

Most people mow their lawns once a week, but this can vary depending on how fast your grass grows. A good rule of thumb is to keep your grass below about 4 inches high for the best chance of preventing ticks.