Unfortunately, the rats you’ll find looking to infest Baltimore homes are not the same fuzzy little friends you’ll find in pet stores. Wild rats are a different beast entirely. Due to the diseases they spread and the damage they cause to property, it’s important to safeguard yourself against their uninvited entry. If you urgently need more information on these unruly rodents, or just want to educate yourself, here’s your handy guide.

How Big Can The Rats Get In Baltimore?

It varies by species, but rodents, in general, can grow to be surprisingly large. However, they never get large enough to put themselves at an evolutionary disadvantage. Their main survival strategy consists of stealth and cunning infiltration of homes, having long since become dependent upon humans for food and shelter. Rats can squeeze through openings as small as a quarter, and their elusive nature means it’s essential to be able to recognize rats when you see them. The main types of rats to watch out for in our area include:

  • The roof rat, which is recognizable by its thin frame and black fur, grows to be about 6 inches long, with its tail up to another 7 inches. This wily little rodent is an expert acrobat and likes to climb into roofs, rafters, and attics.
  • The Norway rat, which is recognizable by its bulkier body and brown fur, grows to be about 9 inches, with its tail lending another 6 inches. They are deceptively clever and adaptable, exploiting any potential weakness in your home’s security.

Are Rats Dangerous To Have In My Baltimore Home?

Although rats may be small, you can’t afford to underestimate the big problems they can pose to your property and personal health if they are left to their own devices. All rodents are characterized by their need to gnaw on hard materials in order to file down their constantly growing front incisors. This destructive habit extends to all the wood, plastic, and electrical wiring found around your home. Also worth noting is the fact that wild rats tend to be rather filthy animals, despite their best grooming efforts. They usually harbor a wide variety of diseases and parasites and are often found traversing sewers or feeding off of garbage. The diseases rats carry include hantavirus, leptospirosis, and rat-bite fever. They track all of that into your home and contaminate whatever food they don’t steal while leaving behind their droppings everywhere and chewing holes throughout your home. Overall, not the sorts of house guests you want to humor.

Rat Prevention Tips For Baltimore Homes

Once rats have found a way into your home, it can prove problematic at best to remove them. Because the home is such a high-value shelter for them, rats will often stop at nothing to establish themselves there. Due to their prolific presence and persistent, stealthy nature, prevention is a difficult but necessary endeavor. For some quick tips on rodent control, refer to this list:

  • Clean and declutter regularly, limiting their possible hiding and/or nesting places.
  • Practice proper food storage and garbage disposal, investing in metal containers with latched lids.
  • Seal up any potential entry points around the premises with a material they can’t gnaw through, such as steel wool or sheet metal.

How To Safely Get Rid Of Rats In Baltimore Homes

If you’re already past the point of prevention, there’s still hope for reclaiming control of your home. Reach out to the professionals at Pest Czar, and we’ll take care of the rest. Our service operates with cutting-edge technology and proven effective pest control methods to quickly and comprehensively eliminate any threat to your home, health, and peace of mind. Partner with Pest Czar today, and we’ll not only help you address a current rat problem but ensure another rat infestation never arises.