Are you hearing scratching or knocking sounds in your wall at night? It may not be a ghost, but rather a mouse, or even a few, scurrying around your walls.

These pesky creatures like to use insulation as nesting materials and are incredibly adept at squeezing into tight spaces, often leading them to the wall cavities of your home.

If you suspect you have mice in the walls of your Maryland home, here are some telltale signs and when to call for rodent control.

Why Do Mice Enter Walls?

House mice often settle into walls because they provide them with all of the necessary ingredients they need for survival:

  • Food
  • Shelter
  • Protection from predators
  • Nesting materials
  • Heat

These small spaces also provide them with plenty of materials to chew and gnaw on, such as insulation, home wiring, and even your pipes. If left unchecked, mice can cause some serious damage to your utilities that may even require future repair–not to mention pest control costs.

Therefore, identifying the signs of a mouse inside your walls is imperative to saving you money and stress.

How to Tell If You Have Mice in Your Walls

If you suspect you may have mice in your walls, there are several big signs to look for. These include:

1. Scratching and Scurrying Noises

Hearing scratching or scurrying noises coming from inside your walls is a telltale sign that there are mice in your walls. It is also possible that you are dealing with another kind of pest, like cockroaches or termites, as these pests are known to dwell inside walls as well. However, sounds from mice will be louder and you can usually track them as they travel across your wall cavities.

2. Gnaw Marks on Walls and Baseboards

Seeing gnaw marks on your walls and baseboards is another red flag that you may be dealing with a mouse infestation. Mice need to chew on things to stop their teeth from growing and these hard objects provide the perfect surface.

3. Unpleasant Odors or Musty Smells

Mice are known to give off a strong, musty smell, especially if they have urinated or if there is a dead mouse somewhere in your walls. If you notice a strange or bad odor in your home suddenly, it may be a sign that you should have your home inspected for a mouse infestation.

4. Mouse Droppings and Urine Stains

Seeing rodent droppings and urine stains is another alarming sign that you may be dealing with an infestation. Mouse droppings look like small, dark brown or black pellets, while their urine marks typically present as dry, crusty, and yellow.

5. Holes or Chew Marks Near Entry Points

Mice will often gnaw or chew near entry points to gain access to your home, food, and water, so if you notice any strange bite marks that weren’t there before, it may indicate that you are dealing with an infestation.

6. Visible Grease Marks or Tracks

As mice travel throughout your home, they will often leave behind grease marks from the dirt and oil in their fur. You may want to contact a pest control professional if you notice any strange grease marks or tracks in your home with no explanation.

7. Pets Acting Unusually

If mice are present in your home, your pets may begin to act unusually. Dogs and cats will often paw or sniff at the walls, run along them, or whine if they detect a mouse nearby.

8. Nests or Shredded Materials Found Nearby

Mice will typically construct their nests using various shredded materials, such as paper, fabric, food wrappers, and leaves. If you notice random materials in or around your home, it may be a sign that mice have built a nest nearby.

How to Prevent Mice from Entering Your Home

There are several ways you can protect yourself and your family from mice and prevent them from invading your home, including:

  • Sealing cracks and crevices in your home
  • Properly sealing and storing all food and drinks
  • Covering vents with mesh screens
  • Keeping your home clean and clutter-free
  • Installing weather stripping to doors and windows

However, if mouse prevention does not work, you may have to move on to plan B.

What to Do If You Find Mice in Your Walls

If you find mice in your walls, there are a few things you can try to get rid of them. Mouse baits and traps can be effective for small infestations, but if you want sustainable, long-term peace of mind, nothing tops professional pest control.

A professional exterminator will be able to eliminate all mice within your walls using natural and safe products and ensure they are gone, thanks to a thorough follow-up inspection. If you are a Maryland resident, Pest Czar offers ongoing residential pest control plans that defend against over a dozen species of pests, including mice, so you never have to worry about mice in your walls again.


How can mice in walls affect your home’s structure and safety?

Having mice in your walls can be incredibly damaging to the structural integrity of your home, as these pests can gnaw on wood, insulation, electrical wiring, and other important materials in your home.

What are the most effective methods to remove mice from walls?

The most effective way to get rid of mice in your walls is to let a professional exterminator handle the job. Using mouse traps, sealing cracks and crevices in your walls, and cutting off their food and water sources are just a few ways you can help to get rid of them as well.