Owning a rental property can be a great way to grow your real estate portfolio and earn passive income. However, it is not all about compound interest and profit. Expenses can quickly pile up, especially when dealing with sloppy or unruly tenants.

While pest control may get overlooked as an ongoing expense, it can quickly become a financial nightmare. Between destructive termites that damage your property and bed bugs that spread like the plague, proactive pest control is often more affordable than reactive pest control.

If you’re a property owner wondering how to prevent pests from invading your rental properties, we put together a helpful guide to keep you, your tenants, and your bottom line happy.

Why Pest Control Is Important for Property Owners

As a Maryland property owner, you know the risk you face from seasonal pests, especially with how rapidly the seasons change. From rats that hibernate in apartment buildings during the winter to ants that replace them in the summer, pests are an ongoing challenge for any property owner.

Maintaining your properties is essential to your professional reputation as a landlord. An unwanted pest can harm your property in more ways than one.

They Spread Disease

One of the more dangerous aspects of having a pest problem is that pests often spread diseases. In many states, landlords are on the hook for injury or disease that results from negligence.

Common pests, like cockroaches, mice, and mosquitos, are known to carry a variety of diseases that can be harmful to humans and pets, including lymphocytic choriomeningitis, typhus, and even plague.

They Destroy Belongings

Many household pests can destroy your belongings. For example, rodents can damage wiring and insulation, often requiring expensive repairs. Likewise, they can damage your tenants’ belongings, which can open up a whole other can of worms regarding liability and recuperation.

They Cause Property Damage

In extreme cases, pests can cause significant damage to properties, including to their foundation and framing. Termites and other wood-damaging insects can cause structural damage to wooden fixtures that imperil your tenants and result in significant repair costs.

They Affect Quality of Life

Anyone who has dealt with a pest problem knows how detrimental the experience can be to their quality of life. Many people who discover pests in their homes develop anxiety and fear the possibility of seeing another bug or rodent in their home again, even after the problem has been resolved. If you want to keep tenants for long lease periods, the last thing you want is for them to encounter a roach or rat on your property.

Tips to Manage Pests in Rentals

Although household pests are extremely common and not always indicative of a dirty property, there are steps you can take as a rental property owner to protect your tenants from these unwelcome visitors.

Perform Routine Inspections

Having your properties regularly inspected is a key way to keep pests away. Many local pest control companies, such as Pest Czar, offer routine, monthly inspections as part of their residential and commercial pest control plans.

Keep Property Clean and Well-Maintained

Keeping your properties clean and well-maintained is imperative to preventing pests. Most household pests are attracted to a food source, standing water, and garbage, so keeping your properties clean and free of what pests seek out most will help keep them away.

Consider adding cleaning obligations to tenant contracts if you want them to keep a clean and orderly living space that won’t imperil other renters.

Invest in Quality Pest Control

When managing your rental properties, the best way to prevent a pest problem from developing is by investing in quality pest control. A trusted and experienced pest control expert will be able to inspect your property for any existing pest infestations and recommend a unique course of action to keep things pest-free going forward.

At Pest Czar, we offer monthly home pest control plans that defend against over a dozen species of pests and are completely safe for you and your tenants.

Special Considerations for Large Complexes and Multifamily Units

Owners of large apartment complexes and multifamily units know how hard it can be to stay on top of pest prevention, as you cannot control how your tenants maintain their units. While most tenants may keep their apartments clean and free of anything that may attract pests, it only takes one bad tenant to open the door for these unwanted guests. Hiring a company to clean the common areas of your building, performing routine inspections, and kindly reminding your tenants to keep their units clean can help prevent pests from invading.

As always, when you need help dealing with an aggressive or dangerous infestation of pests, reach out to your trusted local pest control company.


What are the most common pests found in rental properties?

Some of the most common pests found in rental properties include flies, bed bugs, cockroaches, and rodents such as mice and rats. Bed bugs, in particular, can spread rapidly from one unit to another if they are not promptly controlled.

How often should pest inspections be conducted in rental properties?

A good rule of thumb is to have your rental properties inspected every quarter. There are certain pests that are more likely to show up during specific seasons, so having inspections done every few months is your best bet for preventing all kinds of pests.

What are some DIY methods for controlling pests in rental properties?

Many DIY pest control methods you can use as a homeowner can also be implemented in your rental properties, from creating homemade traps to using store-bought sprays and baits. However, it is always a good idea to invest in professional pest control when it comes to pest management for a larger building or multifamily unit, as it can be daunting to take on such a large project yourself.

How can I tell if my rental property has a termite infestation?

There are several telltale signs you may be dealing with a termite infestation, with some of the most common being termite droppings and discarded wings, mud tubes, and damaged wood on your property.