When you think of household pests in Maryland, drain flies are probably not the first to come to mind. Drain flies are a pest most people have encountered before, but their small size and generally harmless nature make them pretty forgettable to most homeowners.

However, an unchecked drain fly infestation can be pretty unpleasant and put your health at risk.

This article will uncover everything there is to know about these disgusting creatures and provide you with seven proven ways to get rid of drain flies for good!

What Are Drain Flies?

Drain flies, commonly referred to as moth flies, are small flies that are known to inhabit drains, gutters, and wet garbage cans. They are moth-like in appearance and have hair on their bodies. They are typically gray in color and have two large wings with spots on them.

How Do Drain Flies Differ from Fruit Flies?

Drain flies and fruit flies are often mistaken for one another, but the two have several key differences. They are drawn to drains and other wet and damp places, while fruit flies are attracted to meat, dairy, garbage, and other places where they may find food sources. These flies are also larger than fruit flies, as fruit flies are only about 1/8th of an inch in length. In addition to being smaller than drain flies, fruit flies don’t have the same furry appearance that drain flies have.

Why Do I Have Drain Flies?

You may be seeing drain flies in your home for a few different reasons. These pests are attracted to standing water and moisture, so seeing these flies in your home may be a sign that you have a clogged drain. You may also notice drain flies in any rarely-used toilets, sinks, or leaking pipes. If you go out of town for a while and return to find drain flies in your home, it may be because the water in your sink, pipes, and toilets was stagnant while you were gone.

Signs of Drain Flies

When it comes to spotting a drain fly infestation, there are several signs to look for, including:

  • Seeing live drain flies
  • Larvae in and around the house
  • Spotting breeding material on pipes, garbage cans, and drains

7 Ways to Get Rid of Drain Flies

If you have been seeing these irritating pests in and around your home, here are some helpful tips to get rid of them:

1. Clean Your Drains with a Brush

Cleaning your drains using a drain brush can not only keep drain flies away, but it can also help keep your drains from clogging and keep water moving smoothly through the pipes.

2. Use Drain Cleaner

Certain drain cleaners, including Drano and foaming enzymes, can effectively kill these flies.

3. Dump Boiling Water Down Them

If you’d rather avoid using drain cleaner to get rid of the flies in your home, you can try pouring boiling water down the drain to kill these pests.

4. Use Vinegar and Baking Soda

Making a concoction using vinegar and baking soda and pouring it down the drain can also be effective in killing them.

5. Create a Bleach Solution

Similarly to vinegar and baking soda, pouring bleach down your drain may also help get rid of the flies and other flies as well.

6. Use Drain Fly Traps

Using drain fly traps can be another good option if you are dealing with these pests in your home. These traps can either be purchased at the store or made using a DIY approach.

7. Call an Exterminator

Whenever you’re dealing with a pest of any kind, your best bet is to contact an exterminator right away. Even if you think you’ll be able to handle the problem on your own, you may end up making the problem worse or, at the very least, wasting money buying drain fly traps and solutions to kill them. A trusted exterminator will be able to assess the infestation and recommend a plan of action to get rid of it for good.


Can Drain Flies harm humans or pets?

While they are creepy-looking and unpleasant to have in your home, they are typically not harmful to humans or pets and are not known to be particularly unsanitary.

Where do Drain Flies come from?

They breed on clogged gutters, drains, and other areas where standing water can be found. If you are noticing drain flies in and around your home, you may want to check these places for any signs of a breeding area.

How effective are enzyme-based drain cleaners against Drain Flies?

Enzyme-based drain cleaners may be effective in getting rid of drain flies, but it is always advisable to seek the help of a pest control professional rather than trying to get rid of any pest yourself.