With the warm summer months right around the corner, many Maryland homeowners are looking forward to finally spending time outdoors. From drinking your morning coffee on the back porch to working in the garden, there is so much to look forward to this time of year.

However, with the warm weather comes the resurgence of unpleasant summer pests. Mosquitoes, ants, and flies can make spending time outdoors less fun, and they can be especially irritating when they somehow find their way into our homes!

Luckily, many essential oils extracted from herbs are known to repel bugs, so you can avoid harsh chemicals and sprays. Keep reading to learn about seven essential oils that naturally repel pests.

Note: Because the professional pest control treatments we use are safe and effective, we don’t necessarily endorse these natural methods in every case.


When you think of scents that are known to get rid of bugs, citronella is probably the first one that comes to mind. Citronella oil is one of the most commonly used organic pest control solutions when it comes to repelling bugs, especially the following:

  • Mosquitoes
  • Flies
  • Gnats

Citronella oil can be added to a diffuser, or you can purchase a citronella candle with oil and burn it whenever you’re spending time outdoors. Use citronella to get rid of mosquitoes and other pesky creatures that come out near dusk.


Eucalyptus oil is another essential oil that can be used to get rid of cockroaches and other pests. While eucalyptus may be a relaxing scent to humans, it has the opposite effect on the following pests:

  • Cockroaches
  • Flies
  • Spiders
  • Ants

Because eucalyptus has such a pleasant and relaxing scent, there are several ways you can use this essential oil to get rid of bugs in your home. One method is to add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a spray bottle mixed with water and spray it directly onto your countertops. Another is to add the oil to a diffuser and let the scent diffuse throughout your home.


Like eucalyptus, peppermint is another essential oil that can be pleasant to humans but not to many household pests. Peppermint oil can be diffused, sprayed on countertops, or burned in the form of a soy candle with a few drops of the oil.

Many pests are known to dislike the strong smell of peppermint, including:

  • Ants
  • Cockroaches
  • Ticks
  • Spiders
  • Moths
  • Flies


Lavender is another pleasant-smelling essential oil that can also be used to repel bugs. Lavender oil is known to repel:

  • Moths
  • Fleas
  • Mosquitoes
  • Flies

Lavender oil can be used in your bedroom as a way to keep moths and other pests away from your clothing. Simply add a few drops of the oil to a small piece of cotton and place it in your clothing drawers to repel pests and keep your clothes smelling fresh! You can also add a few sprigs of fresh lavender to your drawers to achieve the same results.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has many purposes, from treating acne to soothing insect bites. However, you may be surprised to learn that this essential oil can also be used to repel:

  • Cockroaches
  • Ants
  • Mosquitoes

Add a drop of tea tree oil to a spray bottle for spot treatment of any pests you’re dealing with. You can also spray the solution on your clothing before going outside to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes. Be warned, tea tree oil is strong!


Lemongrass is a summery scent that can be used to repel the following pests:

  • Mosquitoes
  • Flies
  • Ants

Like tea tree oil, lemongrass essential oil can also be added to a spray bottle with water and applied anywhere you have noticed ants, flies, or mosquitoes hanging around. Burning a lemongrass-scented candle can also effectively deter pests while also making your house smell good!


The smell of rosemary has been known to deter many different kinds of pests, including:

  • Mosquitoes
  • Flies
  • Moths

Rosemary oil smells great and can be diffused throughout your home to repel these pests, as well as added to a spray bottle and used on countertops and anywhere else pests are found. Additionally, growing fresh rosemary can also be effective in deterring these pests.

How to Use Essential Oils as a Bug Repellent

DIY insect repellent spray is relatively inexpensive and can be an effective, all-natural way to prevent pests from biting you.

To make this spray, add a few drops of the essential oil of your choosing to a spray bottle and combine it with boiled or distilled water. You can also add a few drops of jojoba oil for its moisturizing properties, but this step is not necessary. Then, simply shake the bottle to mix up all of the ingredients and spray onto your skin and clothing before heading outdoors!


How often should I reapply essential oil bug repellent?

You should reapply your DIY essential oil bug repellent spray roughly every hour when spending time outdoors to provide maximum protection from pests. While store-bought bug sprays may last longer, natural DIY versions don’t contain the same harsh chemicals, meaning you will likely need to reapply more frequently.

Can essential oils be used safely on children and pets?

Diluted essential oils are typically safe to use around children, but you should always check with your pediatrician before using essential oils around very young children. Certain essential oils can be safe for pets, such as lavender and eucalyptus, but it is a good idea to speak with your veterinarian to double-check. As always, the safest form of pest control for children and pets is professional help.

Are there any essential oils that attract bugs rather than repel them?

Certain essential oils, like cinnamon, can actually attract bugs rather than repel them. Because of this, it is imperative that you do your research before using any essential oils to make sure the oil you choose will successfully keep pests at bay.