Whether you reside in a Baltimore apartment with a modest backyard or a sprawling five-acre estate in Towson, maintaining your lawn is essential for controlling pests during summer.

Many people are surprised to learn that basic lawn care, such as regular mowing, is an incredibly effective way to prevent pests from encroaching on outdoor spaces and, subsequently, their homes.

Pests typically enter your property attracted by specific elements. Standing water draws mosquitoes, softwood might attract termites, compost could allure cockroaches, and certain plants may appeal to ants and aphids.

Once these pests establish themselves in your yard, it’s easy for them to move indoors, where they find plentiful food and water. Effective yard pest control not only keeps these pests at bay but also protects your family from diseases, home and plant damage, and food spoilage.

Here are seven simple tips to help safeguard your home against pests throughout the summer months, giving less time for swatting bugs and more time for enjoying the outdoors.

7 Yard Pest Control Tips to Bug-Proof Your Home

Fortunately, yard pest control involves many simple lawn care habits you are likely already practicing.

1. Mow and Trim Back Excess Foliage

Pests like to hide in places with overgrown grass and excess foliage, so eliminating these will also help eliminate the pests in your yard. Every time you mow your lawn and weed whack, you disturb the natural habitat of these pests, forcing them to flee to safer grounds.

Mowing your lawn and trimming your trees and bushes regularly can significantly reduce the number of pests invading your yard. You’ll also add some serious curb appeal to your home.

2. Eliminate Standing Water

Certain pests, like mosquitoes and cockroaches, are attracted to standing water. Things like bird baths, kiddie pools, clogged gutters, and outdoor gardens with poor drainage can attract these pests, putting you and your loved ones at risk who come in contact with them.

Ensure you monitor standing water on your property, dumping bird baths after each rainfall, and treat any standing water, such as pools, with proper cleaning ingredients.

3. Apply Mulch to Garden Beds

If you have garden beds in your yard, applying mulch on top of bare soil can reduce the number of pests on your property. Mulch makes it difficult for flying insects to tell the difference between the crop and the mulch, helping protect your plants from being eaten by bugs.

As a bonus, you can even sprinkle some diatomaceous earth around plants to eliminate aphids and other bothersome garden dwellers.

4. Remove Wood Lying Around Your Property

Wood-eating insects are among the most dangerous, as they can cause substantial damage to your home and put your safety at risk. Start by eliminating stacked firewood, broken branches, or any wood exposed to water from your yard.

5. Clean and Seal Garbage Cans

Pests are known to be attracted to garbage, so you’ll want to ensure your outdoor garbage cans are regularly sprayed and sealed. It is also a good idea to tightly tie your garbage bags before placing them in your garbage bins to prevent pests from entering.

6. Block Entry Points

One of the best ways to prevent pests from entering your space is by blocking the entry points they use to gain access in the first place.

Assessing any tears or holes in your window and door screens and using caulk or sealant to fill any cracks in your home’s exterior can reduce the chances of pests finding their way into your home.

7. Be Mindful Of Outdoor Lighting

Certain pests, including flies, moths, and mosquitoes, are known to be attracted to light sources. While outdoor lighting is often necessary, especially when spending time outdoors during the summer months, you can unknowingly be attracting these pests to your home. Consider switching to LED lightbulbs in your outdoor spaces, as these lights offer less warmth than other bulbs.

When to Call a Professional Pest Control Service

While you may think you can handle the problem alone, a pest infestation can quickly get out of control, and a trusted exterminator will recommend the best course of action.

Where pest prevention fails, professional assistance is required. Of course, if you ever need help with pest prevention, Pest Czar does offer home pest protection plans that offer seasonal protection against over a dozen species of pests.


How can I keep mosquitoes out of my yard?

Eliminating standing water, regularly cleaning your gutters, and using a professional yard spray service are all effective ways to get rid of mosquitoes in your yard.

What is the best way to get rid of ants in the yard?

Getting rid of ant hills outdoors can be difficult, but there are a few things you can try. Diatomaceous earth can be sprinkled anywhere you have observed ants, as well as borax, which will kill them when they come into contact with it. Of course, boiling hot water is also effective.

What are the signs of a termite infestation in the yard?

There are several telltale signs of a termite infestation to look out for, such as termite droppings, discarded wings, mud tubes, bubbling paint, and spotting live or dead termites on your property.