Cockroaches are some of the most feared household pests in the world. While encountering pests of any kind is always unpleasant to any homeowner, cockroaches instill a unique kind of fear in most people. While it may sound silly, Katsaridaphobia, or the fear of cockroaches, is almost as common as the fear of spiders.

As if regular cockroaches aren’t bad enough, many species can also fly, adding a layer of fear in homeowners unfortunate enough to encounter these pests. If you suspect you may be dealing with a flying cockroach infestation in your Maryland home, here is everything you need to know about these creepy pests, including how you can get rid of them once and when to call in backup for professional cockroach control.

Can Cockroaches Fly?

Certain species of cockroaches can fly, although they rarely do. The main reason cockroaches will use their wings to fly is if they feel they are being threatened and are trying to get away. They may also fly in order to reach food and shelter or to go towards light, as some cockroaches are known to be attracted to light.

What Types of Cockroaches Fly?

Asian, smoky brown, Australian, and wood cockroaches all possess the ability to fly and may do so for various reasons. Florida Woods cockroaches, commonly referred to as palmetto bugs or water bugs, are also known to fly and are commonly found in the Southeastern region of the United States. Fortunately, there are very few species of cockroaches in Maryland that fly, though German cockroaches have been known to.

What Does It Mean When a Cockroach Flies?

Cockroaches may fly for a number of reasons, usually because they feel they are being threatened. A cockroach might take flight if you try to swat at them or stomp on them, or if they sense a predator is nearby. Cockroaches may also fly to access food, shelter, and sometimes even mate. Cockroaches sometimes “glide” by moving their wings to take them from a high place to a lower one, making it easier for them to get down rather than fall.

How to Get Rid of Flying Cockroaches

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get rid of cockroaches on your own as these pests are highly social and aloof.

There are certain things you can do to get rid of an existing cockroach problem in your home or prevent them from entering in the first place, including:

  • Keeping your home clean and organized
  • Removing any excess clutter from your home
  • Washing dirty dishes as soon as you’re done with them
  • Fixing any leaking pipes and removing standing water
  • Seal cracks and crevices in your home
  • Maintain your lawn and foliage on your property
  • Remove your kitchen trash before it becomes full or overflows

Some home remedies for cockroaches have been known to provide temporary relief, but nothing can substitute the efficacy of calling a professional.

When Should You Call an Exterminator

If you suspect you are dealing with a cockroach infestation, you must contact an exterminator immediately. These pests are notoriously difficult to get rid of, and they will often return in even greater numbers if not properly exterminated. An experienced pest control professional will be able to recommend an aggressive plan of action to kill the existing cockroaches in your home and prevent any new ones from popping up.


What are the most common species of flying cockroaches?

The most common types of flying cockroaches are Asian, brown, smoky brown, and wood roaches.

When are cockroaches most likely to fly?

Cockroaches are more likely to take flight when they feel threatened or they are searching for food or shelter. They may also be more likely to fly when the temperature exceeds 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Why do some cockroaches fly while others do not?

The reason some cockroaches can fly while others cannot often means that the ones that can fly have certain physical advantages, such as more developed wings and smaller bodies that can fly through the air easily.