Unlike other pests that you can stow away at home, bed bug bites are often visible and serve as a source of embarrassment for many people. But you don’t have to feel bad about having bed bugs or hopeless in eliminating them.

While many products claim to eliminate bed bugs, the best option is always to contact an exterminator who deals with bed bug control and inspection.

However, some people tend to be reluctant to contact a professional service, especially if they feel that there are more cost-effective options available. This article will explore three options for getting rid of bed bugs in Maryland and explain why DIY bed bug products just don’t work.

Unlike other pests that you can stow away at home, bed bug bites are often visible and serve as a source of embarrassment for many people. But you don’t have to feel bad about having bed bugs or hopeless in eliminating them.

While many products claim to eliminate bed bugs, the best option is always to contact an exterminator who deals with bed bug control and inspection.

However, some people tend to be reluctant to contact a professional service, especially if they feel that there are more cost-effective options available. This article will explore three options for getting rid of bed bugs in Maryland and explain why DIY bed bug products just don’t work.

Professional Extermination

When it comes to treating bed bugs, professional extermination is the best option. Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to get rid of, and hiring a pest control expert is truly the only way to know that the bed bugs in your home are gone for good.

An experienced exterminator can inspect all areas of a home where bed bugs are known to hide, including behind electrical outlets, wall trim, and furniture. Based on the level of infestation, they can recommend a customized treatment plan to eliminate bed bugs and monitor their progress over the coming days.


While insecticides may successfully kill many other household pests, they are not known to be effective in killing bed bugs. Bed bugs are good at avoiding insecticides and will often hide until the solution has dried up, and it’s safe to come out again.

Secondly, they will also often move to another room or even the apartment next door if you live in a building, so keep this in mind if you are considering trying insecticides to get rid of your bed bug problem.

Finally, using insecticides may be dangerous, especially without proper precaution and supervision. That’s why reading all instructions and leaving the bug sprays to the professionals is important.

Natural Methods

You may have heard about using baking soda, tea tree oil, or diatomaceous earth to kill bed bugs. However, these products have proven ineffective in eliminating a bed bug problem entirely.

Additionally, purchasing and using steamers to kill bed bugs using heat is not proven to work and is often just as much money as hiring a professional.

When added up, the cost of DIY bed bug removal may save you money, but not knowing whether treatments were effective or failing to eliminate bed bugs is often substantially higher.

Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation

You should always contact your local exterminator at the first sign of a bed bug infestation.

Unfortunately, identifying a bed bug infestation can be tricky, as these pests are very small and tend to be good at hiding. Some telltale signs to look out for include:

  • A musty or foul odor
  • Bloodstains on bedsheets and furniture
  • Discarded bed bug casings
  • Bed bug bites on your body
  • Seeing live bed bugs

Bed Bug Prevention Tips

While bed bugs can be difficult to get rid of, there are ways to prevent them from entering your house in the first place.

Prevention is always the most cost-effective strategy when it comes to any type of bed bug treatment. Some bed bug prevention tips include:

  • Inspecting secondhand furniture and clothing before bringing them into your home
  • Sealing any cracks and crevices in your home
  • Steering clear of shared laundromats if you can
  • Wrapping furniture in bed bug wrap
  • Reading hotel and Airbnb reviews before traveling
  • Investing in regular pest control maintenance

If you live in the Baltimore metro area, you don’t have to go at bed bug control alone. Pest Czar offers residential pest prevention plans with tiers that cover bed bug elimination at no additional cost. Contact us to find out more about our residential services.


How do bed bugs enter my home?

Bed bugs can enter a home in a variety of ways, most commonly by hitching a ride on used furniture from the thrift store or in suitcases when returning home from a trip. Bed bugs are expert hiders and love to travel, so it is important to carefully inspect any secondhand items before bringing them into your home and washing them if possible. Bed bugs can also hide in things like picture frames and home decor items, so keep this in mind if you love to shop at the thrift or antique store.

What are the health risks associated with bed bugs?

While bed bugs are not known to carry diseases and are relatively harmless, their bites can cause an allergic reaction in some people. The itchy bites they leave can also increase your chances of a secondary skin infection from excessive itching, so be wary of this if you notice any bug bites on you or your loved ones.

Can I get rid of bed bugs on my own?

It may be tempting to try to tackle a bed bug problem on your own, but it is important that you understand how difficult it can be to get rid of bed bugs. Trying to get rid of a bed bug infestation on your own can do more harm than good, and you run the risk of not killing all of the bed bugs in your home. If you discover a bed bug infestation, it is best to contact a trusted pest control expert immediately to tackle the problem.