During the summer months, you may notice an influx of tiny black ants in and around your home. While the resurgence of these ants is an inevitable part of summer, it can be irritating to see so many of them in your home without a clue as to where they are coming from.

Unfortunately, many homeowners find that store-bought baits and traps are a temporary solution at best.

The best solutions for ant control are prevention and extermination. However, understanding where these tiny black ants come from and what they are attracted to is the first step in either of these solutions.

Here is everything you need to know about tiny black ants in your home.

What Are Those Tiny Black Ants?

Tiny black ants, technically called Monomorium minimum, are very small black ants that are commonly seen in and around homes, especially during the warmer months. Tiny black ant colonies range in size from moderate to very large and contain many queens. Their lifespan can range anywhere from several months to up to a year, with queens typically living longer than worker ants.

Why Are There So Many Tiny Black Ants in My Home?

While seeing the occasional tiny black ant or two in your home isn’t inherently a sign of a dirty home, if you are seeing a lot of them regularly, you may want to take a look at what is causing them. Improper food storage is the most common reason for a tiny black ant infestation, and you may notice more of them between June and August, which is when they forage for food.

These ants enter homes through tiny cracks and crevices, as well as pipes and any other way they can make their way inside. Once these tiny black ants invade your home, they can be extremely difficult to get rid of, and more will typically reappear even after you’ve killed the other ones.

How to Prevent Tiny Black Ants

The best way to manage ants is through careful preventative measures. Here are a few ideas to start implementing at your home.

  • Properly store food and drinks in sealed, airtight containers
  • Avoid leaving dirty dishes in the sink
  • Keep all garbage cans sealed, and take trash outside when it becomes full
  • Seal any cracks and crevices in the home with caulk
  • Store firewood away from the home
  • Trim shrubbery outside of the home

How to Eliminate Tiny Black Ants

If you find yourself dealing with a tiny black ant infestation, here are a few ways to get rid of them:

  • Set up ant bait & traps around your home
  • Make a DIY ant-repellent spray using peppermint essential oil and water
  • Pour boiling water into ant hills to kill the ants inside
  • Spray vinegar and water on ant trails to repel and kill them

Learn More: 7-Point Foolproof Plan to Get Rid of Ants in Maryland

When to Call an Exterminator

Whenever you’re dealing with any infestation, your best bet is to contact a trusted pest control professional as soon as possible. An experienced exterminator will be able to inspect your home, determine the size and severity of the infestation, and recommend a course of treatment to safely and effectively kill all of the ants in your home.


Why are tiny black ants attracted to my house?

Tiny black ants may be attracted to your home for a number of reasons, with the biggest being improper food storage. If ants are able to make their way into your home and find any food or drinks that have been left out or improperly stored, they are more likely to stick around.

Do tiny black ants bite?

Yes, little black ants can bite if they feel threatened. However, these bites are typically not painful and do not cause any bad reactions in those bitten, as they do not possess any venom.

Are tiny black ants harmful or dangerous?

While dealing with a tiny black ant infestation can definitely be bothersome, these pests are not typically harmful or dangerous to humans or pets. However, it is still important to do your due diligence when it comes to getting rid of them and keeping them out of your home for good.