During the summer months, you may notice more ants in Maryland than usual inside and outside your home. While ants are typically thought of as more benign in comparison to other household pests like cockroaches and termites, ants can do a lot of damage that you may not notice until it’s too late.

Because of this, it is important to be able to identify the signs of an ant infestation to deal with a problem promptly. Otherwise, you might find ants in every room of your house soon enough.

sign of an infestation is seeing live ants in your home

Signs of an Ant Infestation

The most obvious sign of an infestation is seeing live ants in your home, although many people are quick to write off ant sightings as something that just happens sometimes.

You may also notice piles of dirt in and around your home, which are known as ant nests or ant hills. Ant nests are commonly found in the cracks of sidewalks, against the sides of a home, and even in garden beds or lawns.

Another sign you may be dealing with an ant infestation is if you hear rustling noises coming from your walls, which can mean that there are ants traveling through the walls or behind the wallpaper.

Most ants can be innocuous, but carpenter ants have been known to destroy wood and furniture. Likewise, ants will rarely be the only pest in your home, especially if they are being drawn to your home by moisture and food scraps.

Knowing the signs of an ant infestation is the first step in properly identifying and treating the problem, so be sure to keep your eyes and ears open.

Where to Look for Ant Hills

If you suspect that you may be dealing with an ant infestation, you should try to find where the ants are coming from. Eliminating ant hills will be by far the most efficient way to get rid of ants entirely.

Finding an ant hill isn’t as difficult as it may seem, and there are several ways you can locate them. One of the easiest ways to find an ant hill is by following a trail of ants back to their nest. Ants commonly venture out of their nests in search of food, but they will inevitably make their way back home, which is why following them may help you locate the anthill they came from.

You can also manually check for ant hills on your property by conducting a thorough inspection. Ants frequently build their nests in sidewalk cracks, against garages and other structures, and underneath logs and bricks.

7 Ant Hill Treatments

Once you locate an ant hill, try any of these simple DIY tips to get rid of ants for good.

1. Boiling Water

One of the easiest and most natural ways to kill ants is by pouring boiling water over an ant hill. It is important that you pour enough water to kill all of the ants entirely in one treatment. Using 2 to 3 gallons of boiling water should cause an ant hill to cave in and kill any ants inside.

2. Flatten the Hill

Using a rake or other gardening tool is another effective way to get rid of ants by flattening out their hills. When you remove an ant hill and flatten out the ground it was standing on, it signals to the ants that the area is no longer safe for them, and they will vacate soon after.

3. Boric Acid

The use of boric acid to kill ants is another method that can be effective when used properly. To try this method, simply mix equal parts of boric acid with something sweet, such as corn syrup or peanut butter, and add water. When the mixture is placed in small containers near areas where ants are most active, they will typically die within 24-48 hours after ingestion.

4. Insecticide Dust

Insecticide dust is especially powerful when it comes to killing ants and destroying ant hills, so it may be worth a shot if you’re dealing with ant hills in your yard. Insecticide dust can be applied directly on top of ant hills and should kill the ants inside within a day or two.

5. Bifen L/P Granules

Bifen L/P granules are a type of insecticide that attacks an ant’s central nervous system after they ingest it. Bifen L/P granules can be spread on top of ant hills or on areas where ants travel in order to kill them using a standard fertilizer spreader.

6. Ant Baits

Ant baits are also commonly used to kill ants and attack ant hills outside the home, and there are a variety of different kinds to choose from. One of the most common types of ant baits are bait stakes, which can be inserted into the ground to kill both ants under and above ground. Other forms of ant baits can be placed inside your home with a poison out of reach of pets or kids that will travel back to the ant colony via infected ants.

7. Flood the Hill

Flooding an ant hill may also effectively kill the ants inside, but be sure to apply a steady stream of water for several minutes for the best chance of success. By spraying an ant hill with a garden hose for a few minutes, you can destroy the hill and kill many of the ants living inside.

If you still find yourself dealing with pesky ants, be sure to call an ant control professional to help eliminate your problem. Most professionals can eliminate ants in a single visit using safe and effective methods that won’t harm you or your home.


Why are there so many ants in my yard?

The main reason there may be a lot of ants in your yard can be traced back to standing water and easily accessible food sources. If your yard has everything they need, ants will be more likely to build their nests there.

Does bleach kill ant hills?

Yes, bleach is known to be effective in killing ants, so pouring bleach directly on top of an ant hill should eliminate the colony. When bleach is poured onto an ant hill, the liquid will come into contact with the ants’ exoskeletons and will affect their breathing.

Do ant mounds damage lawns?

Ant hills can easily damage lawns by smothering the grass and preventing new grass from growing through it, and eventually causing brown spots to develop. Ant mounds can also damage lawn mower blades, which is something to be aware of when mowing your lawn this summer.