Seeing ants or ants hills in your yard during the summer months is practically unavoidable. These pests are extremely common and can be found pretty much anywhere, and most Maryland homeowners will encounter at least one of two big black ants this season.

While seeing the occasional big black ant isn’t typically cause for concern, an infestation can quickly get out of hand if not treated promptly. If you spot big black ants in your home this summer, here is everything you should know and what you should do next.

What Types of Ants Are Big Black Ants?

If you spot big black ants in or around your home, chances are they are carpenter ants. Carpenter ants are large ants that are indigenous to many parts of the world, specifically forested areas. Carpenter ants can vary in size and color but are typically dark brown or black. They have oval-shaped, segmented bodies, six legs, and elbowed antennae, meaning their antennae are bent. Male carpenter ants have wings, with their back wings being shorter and their front wings.

What Attracts Big Black Ants to My Home?

There are a number of reasons why big black ants may be attracted to your home, with the most common being that they are in search of food. Carpenter ants have an extremely strong sense of smell and are particularly drawn to sweet and protein-rich food, such as soda, fruit, and pet food. Carpenter ants may also enter your home in search of moisture and wood, as they rely on softening wood to excavate. This includes wooden structures, firewood, and even old trees.

Do Big Black Ants Pose a Threat?

While carpenter ants are typically not harmful to humans and rarely bite, their biggest threat is to your home. Carpenter ants are known to be incredibly destructive to homes, especially the wood on things like decks, porches, and garden beds.

Carpenter ants like to excavate wood, especially soft or damp wood, making it easier for them to work through it. The presence of carpenter ants in a home can end up costing a homeowner hundreds and even thousands of dollars in repairs.

How to Eliminate Big Black Ants

Getting rid of carpenter ants can be challenging but not impossible. Some measures you could take to get rid of these pests in your Maryland home include:

  • Using a store-bought or DIY bait to lure in big black ants and kill them
  • Sprinkling diatomaceous earth where ants are present
  • Applying insecticides where ants have been spotted
  • Using boric acid to kill big black ants

When to Call an Exterminator

When it comes to dealing with a big black ant infestation, it is in your best interest to contact an exterminator immediately. A carpenter ant infestation can quickly grow out of control, and these pests may cost you hundreds and even thousands of dollars in repairs if they damage your property or invite in moisture.

A trusted and experienced pest control professional will be able to recommend a treatment plan to get rid of these pests once and for all.


What are effective prevention methods for big black ants?

There are several things you can do to prevent carpenter ants from invading your home this summer. This includes sealing any cracks or crevices that they may be using to gain entry to your home, storing firewood away from your home, fixing water leaks, getting rid of any standing water in and around your home, and keeping foliage neatly trimmed.

Should I be concerned if I see big black ants indoors?

While seeing one or two big black ants in your home is not always indicative of a larger infestation, you should still take any sightings seriously. If you notice carpenter ants in or around your home at any time, it is always in your best interest to contact a pest control professional immediately to resolve the problem.

Can big black ants cause damage to my property?

Yes, carpenter ants can be extremely destructive to the structural integrity of a home and any wooden structures. This includes damage to decks, porches, and even garden beds.