Aptly named for their shiny, silvery external appearance, silverfish are pests that exist in most parts of the world. Although they pose minimal human health risks, these troublesome creatures will enter homes and create minor property damage.

Have you noticed silverfish inside your home? Consult with a licensed pest controller for assistance. After conducting a detailed inspection of the premises, an Annapolis pest control professional will implement treatment options for getting rid of silverfish and explain the best silverfish prevention strategies.

What Are Silverfish?

The body of a silverfish will typically exceed ½ of an inch, and many people commonly compare their shape to a “teardrop.” Silverfish have three distinctive bristles that extend like tails from the rear. When indoors, silverfish will typically reside in moist and dark areas, including basements, laundry rooms, and bathrooms.

Silverfish consume a diet that generally consists of types of carbohydrates and protein. When indoors, they often eat oats, flour, cereal, meats, as well as various paper products such as cardboard.

What do young silverfish look like? Female silverfish generate eggs that they might hide throughout a home and usually hatch in approximately one month. Young silverfish (nymphs) usually need over one year to reach full maturity. The nymphs are much smaller compared to adults and appear in a more “whitish” color. In many instances, a silverfish will have a lifespan of two to three years.

Why You Don’t Want Silverfish In Your House

Experts tend to classify silverfish as merely a nuisance pest that is no threat to humans; however, they will often cause other problems, including the following:

  • Although silverfish do not bite or sting, some individuals with sensitivities may experience mild allergic reactions.
  • Several other creatures, including beetles, spiders, and centipedes’ prey on silverfish; therefore, having silverfish inside your home might attract these other unwanted pests.
  • Based on their diet, silverfish might damage types of property such as upholstered furniture, clothing, books, wallpaper, and other things when feeding.
  • They can contaminate food by chewing through boxes or bags to get inside stored goods.

Generally speaking, homeowners should address any areas of the home with excessive humidity, which silverfish prefer. Consider using dehumidifiers when needed and improving the ventilation.

Why And How Silverfish Find Their Way Into Your Home

Silverfish may enter homes through small openings seeking sources of food. In many cases, people inadvertently carry these pests indoors within boxes of dried foods, paper products, or fabrics.

What are the most common silverfish infestation signs? Property owners will typically encounter live silverfish indoors with their shiny color and distinctive appearance. Common indoor locations for silverfish include sinks, bathtubs, laundry room floors, and basements. Although less likely, homeowners might notice their feces, which appears similar to black pepper.

Why You Should Call The Pros About Silverfish In Your Home

The properly trained and equipped team of local experts with Pest Czar knows the best way to get rid of silverfish and similar types of pests that infiltrate homes and create problems. We recognize that Annapolis property owners face potential intrusions from many different ongoing and seasonal creatures; therefore, our specialists maintain the knowledge and proper equipment for effectively treating problems involving ants, cockroaches, rodents, and many other undesirable invaders. Keep in mind that we are a locally-owned business that will operate using the best safety practices for protecting homeowners, their pets, and the environment we share.

Did you know that Pest Czar is an organization that maintains licensure with the Maryland Department of Agriculture and has also earned QualityPro certification? At the state level, Maryland’s Office of Plant Industries and Pest Management maintains responsibility for administering pest management, including regulating pesticides, implementing mosquito control measures, and developing public health and educational initiatives.

Contact our staff today for a consultation.