If you’re one of the many Maryland homeowners looking forward to spending time outdoors this summer, you know that one of the biggest problems many people face each year is the presence of wasps and other stinging insect control.

Not only are wasp stings painful, but they may even cause an allergic reaction in some people. These flying insects are also known to be aggressive and can sting multiple times, as their stinger is barbless and does not come out of their abdomen after stinging someone.

Luckily, there are several ways to keep wasps away from your home this summer so you and your family can enjoy your time outdoors without worrying about getting stung!

Hire an Exterminator

When dealing with a stinging insect of any kind, it is always in your best interest to leave it to an experienced exterminator. This is especially true when it comes to dealing with wasps, as you run the risk of being stung if you try to take down a wasp nest yourself. A trusted exterminator can identify the wasp nest on your property and safely remove it without harming you or your loved ones.

Use a Wasp or Bee Spray

There are many store-bought sprays and insecticides aimed at getting rid of wasps. Some of the most popular wasp spray brands include:

  • Spectracide
  • Hot Shot
  • Raid

While these sprays are more affordable than professional pest control and may work in a pinch, they are not as effective as the wasp removal services you would receive from a professional exterminator.

Try Wasp Traps

There are store-bought wasp traps you can try and DIY traps you can make with items you already have in your home. One of the most popular DIY wasp traps involves emptying a soda bottle and placing something sweet inside, such as jam or fruit. After a hole is punctured into the soda bottle, the wasps will be able to make their way inside and will not be able to escape once they are captured.

Of course, this shouldn’t be viewed as a long-term solution to wasps, especially if they have completely taken over your backyard.

Experiment with Essential Oils

Certain essential oils are known to be unpleasant to wasps. Lemongrass, clove, and geranium are just a few essential oils that seem to repel wasps, making the use of essential oils an all-natural method of pest control. To try this method, add a few drops of the essential oil of your choice to a spray bottle with water, and apply it around your home and garden. You can also burn a candle that includes these essential oil scents to ward off wasps when spending time outdoors.

Why You Shouldn’t Use the Gasoline Method

You may have heard of the gasoline method for getting rid of wasps, which involves holding a cup of gasoline up to a wasp nest and submerging the entire nest in the gasoline. This method is incredibly dangerous and should not be attempted as a means to get rid of wasps. Not only do you run the risk of agitating the wasps inside the nest and getting stung, but you can also accidentally spill gasoline on yourself or others.

There are many other methods of getting rid of wasps that are safer and more effective than gasoline.

Signs of a Wasp Nest

Wasp nests have a distinct appearance, making them easy to spot on your property. Wasp nests are typically about the size of a golf ball at the beginning stages of being built but can quickly become very large if not taken down promptly. Wasp nests are made of chewed-up wood, giving them their signature papery, thin appearance. You will often find a wasp nest under the eaves of roofs and inside garages and wall cavities.

If you spot a wasp nest on your property, contact a pest control professional immediately to have the nest safely removed. Wasp nests can spread rapidly and be very difficult to contain, considering the aggressive nature of wasps. An exterminator has the gear, tools, and knowledge to deal with wasp nests without fear of being stung.


Are there natural methods to deter wasps?

There are many natural methods that claim to effectively get rid of wasps, from the use of essential oils (mentioned above) to building a DIY wasp trap. While there is no harm in trying these methods, other than the risk of being stung, the only true way to get rid of wasps for good is to invest in professional pest control.

What scents repel wasps?

Wasps are known to dislike certain smells, such as lemongrass, clove, and geranium. You can use these scents to your advantage in essential oil form by applying them around your home. You can also try growing these plants in your garden to ward off wasps or burning candles that include these scents.

Does the color of my house attract wasps?

Wasps are known to be attracted to certain colors more than others, and depending on the color of your home, you may be attracting wasps without even realizing it. Yellow and white are known to be more appealing to wasps, while colors like tan, khaki, and darker colors may be less attractive to these stinging insects.