Unless you plan on staying indoors all summer long, you will likely encounter a hornet or wasp at least once this season. The presence of hornets and wasps in Maryland is an inevitable part of summer, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors.

When it comes to telling the difference between hornets and wasps, there are a few important things to know in order to protect you and your loved ones from being stung this year.

Hornet vs. Wasps Key Differences

Many people mistake hornets and wasps for the same stinging insects. However, there are a few key differences between the two, especially in terms of aggression and size.

Hornets Wasps
Larger than wasps. About 0.6-2.2 inches in length Smaller, roughly one-third to one-inch long
More aggressive Typically less aggressive
Construct paper nests Construct paper and mud nests
Black and white rings Black and yellow rings

Which One Is More Dangerous?

While both hornets and wasps have the capacity to sting, hornets are known to be the more aggressive of the two. A sting from a hornet also typically hurts more than a sting from a wasp, but both should still be avoided as much as possible. While most hornet stings are mild and typically only cause minor symptoms in those who are stung, a hornet sting can cause an allergic reaction in some.

How to Identify Hornets

Hornets have a distinct look, with three main body sections: head, thorax, and abdomen. They have long antennae and two pairs of wings and range in color from black and white to black and yellow and black, yellow, and brown. Unlike bees, hornets are not fuzzy but instead have more of a sleek look. They are also one of the larger stinging insects, ranging in size from 0.6 to 2.2 inches in length.

Types of Hornets in Maryland

While you may come across many different kinds of stinging insects in Maryland, there is only one true hornet to be found in the state: the European hornet. European hornets are large hornets that are typically yellow or brown in color and tend to hang out near dumpsters and other areas where garbage can be found.

These hornets have a gentler reputation, as they typically only sting when threatened. Therefore, leaving a hornet or hornet nest alone is still important to avoid being stung.

How to Identify Wasps

Wasps have a thin, sleek appearance with black and yellow rings, which sets them apart from a hornet’s black and white rings. They also have narrow waists and pointed lower abdomens, making them easy to identify compared to other types of stinging insects. Wasps are also smaller than hornets and typically measure one-third of an inch to one-inch in length.

Types of Wasps in Maryland

Paper wasps are one of the most common types of wasps in Maryland. They are typically black or brown with yellow and brown stripes. Unlike other types of bees, paper wasps do not have hair and can be identified by their exaggerated, thin waists. Luckily, most paper wasps are solitary creatures, only stinging when they feel threatened.

Tips to Prevent and Eliminate Hornets and Wasps in Maryland

Nevertheless, even if wasps are not as aggressive as hornets, they can still threaten you and your loved ones. The following are some tips to prevent and eliminate sting insects naturally from your property.

  • Keep food and drinks covered
  • Properly seal garbage cans
  • Keeps windows and doors closed when possible
  • Seal any cracks or crevices in your home with caulk
  • Trim outdoor vegetation

Understanding the difference between each insect will help you devise a plan to get rid of wasps and hornets for good.

With that said, spotting stinging insect nests can be difficult and, while there are several products designed to eliminate stinging insects, they need to be applied properly. Furthermore, synthetic chemicals can harm beneficial pollinators.

For effective and organic stinging insect control in Maryland, call the experts at Pest Czar. We use products and standards developed by the EPA and other leading industry groups to repel and eliminate stinging insects naturally. For a free quote, give us a call today!


Do hornets and wasps serve any beneficial purpose?

Contrary to popular belief, hornets and wasps do serve a purpose, most notably with pollination and pest control. Hornets and wasps are apex predators and help keep gardens safe from destructive pests like caterpillars and spiders. They can also pollinate flowers and are known to be extremely beneficial to agriculture worldwide.

What should I do if I encounter a hornet or wasp nest near my home?

If you encounter a hornet or wasp near your home, it is imperative to leave it alone and try to get as far away from it as possible. If they feel threatened or like you are going to disturb their nest, they may try to sting you. It is always in your best interest to contact a pest control professional immediately upon discovering a hornet or wasp nest on your property. A trusted pest control professional will be able to assess the severity of the infestation and safely remove the nest.

Are hornets and wasps attracted to anything specific?

Hornets and wasps are known to be most attracted to sugary substances, which is why you may notice them hanging around any open drinks or food that has been left out. To prevent this, be sure to cover all food and drinks when spending time outdoors.