As a homeowner, cockroaches are probably some of your most feared pests. Not only are these pests creepy-looking, but they are also incredibly dirty and can carry a variety of diseases, including salmonella and streptococcus. Cockroaches can even cause allergic reactions in some people, making them one pest you definitely don’t want to encounter.

What’s worse is that cockroaches are expert hiders, often making nests behind common household appliances without your knowledge. Understanding where cockroaches hide is important in identifying an infestation and working on extermination.

Whether you’re dealing with an active cockroach infestation or are simply hoping to avoid running into pests altogether, here are some of the most common places cockroaches hide in homes and what you can do to prevent them from invading your space.

Why Do Cockroaches Enter Homes?

The biggest reason cockroaches enter homes is to search for food, water, and shelter. If your home has what they are looking for, they are more likely to stick around once they make their way inside. Because of this, it is in your best interest to make sure your home is free of any crumbs, spilled drinks, and standing water.

Signs of Cockroaches

Cockroaches leave behind many signs that may not be immediately visible to the naked eye unless you know what to look for. Some signs of a cockroach infestation in your home may include:

  • Cockroach droppings
  • Smear marks on surfaces
  • Shed cockroach skin
  • Strange or foul smells
  • Seeing dead or live cockroaches

To spot live cockroaches, you’ll need to look at night when they’re most active. However, it’s important to know where to look.

Common Cockroach Hiding Places

Understanding where cockroaches commonly hide will allow you to apply traps, baits, and other pest control methods to get rid of them once and for all.

Kitchens and Pantries

Cockroaches prefer hanging out in kitchens and pantries because these are the rooms in a house where they are most likely to access food. Kitchens and pantries often have dirty dishes in the sink or food crumbs on the floors or countertops, making these rooms two places you’ll want to pay extra attention to when cleaning.

Bathrooms and Drains

Cockroaches are attracted to damp places, so you may notice them in your bathroom or near your drains. To prevent this from happening, be sure to fix any leaky pipes or faucets, and remove any standing water from your home.

Basements and Crawl Spaces

Basements and crawl spaces are other areas where cockroaches like to hang out. This is especially common in older homes that may have a lot of cracks and crevices, making it easier for these pests to get in.

Under Appliances

Cockroaches are commonly spotted under appliances like stoves, microwaves, and toasters. This is because they are often able to find food crumbs in these areas.

Inside Wall Voids and Cracks

Cockroaches are experts at crawling through even the tightest cracks and crevices, which is why you may see them inside wall voids and cracks in your home if you shine a light through them.

Attics and Ceilings

While rare, cockroaches prefer dark places that are not heavily trafficked, making attics and ceilings the perfect hiding spots for these pests.

Furniture and Upholstery

In extreme infestations, cockroaches will sometimes hide in furniture and upholstery. This can also happen if you bring a piece of furniture from the thrift store into your home, so you’ll want to make sure you thoroughly inspect and clean all used items before bringing them inside.

Cardboard Boxes and Clutter

Cockroaches are known to travel from place to place in cardboard boxes, so be sure to inspect any packages before bringing them into your home. It is also important to remove excess clutter from your home, as these pests like to hide amongst things like old newspapers and piles of junk and debris.

What to Do If you Spot a Cockroach in Your House

If you spot a cockroach in your house, you should contact an exterminator immediately. Cockroach infestations are very serious, as these pests quickly multiply and can take over your entire home if not dealt with right away. An experienced pest control professional will be able to inspect your home and recommend a treatment to aggressively attack the cockroaches in your home and prevent them from coming back in the future.


How can you locate cockroach hiding spots in your home?

Some common places cockroaches like to hide include behind the refrigerator, inside cabinets, dishwashers, damp areas, and behind trash cans.

What are the signs that indicate a cockroach infestation?

There are several signs of a cockroach infestation to look out for, including seeing roach droppings, finding cockroach skin sheddings, smear marks on surfaces, strange or foul smells in the home, and seeing dead or live cockroaches.

How can you prevent cockroaches from hiding in your home?

To prevent cockroaches from hiding in your home, you will want to make it difficult for them to enter your home in the first place. Sealing any cracks or crevices in your home, cleaning regularly, and getting rid of excess clutter are important steps to keeping these pests out of your home.