Cockroaches in Maryland can be a huge problem during the spring and summer months as warmer weather brings these critters out of hiding. Thanks to their mating cycles, cockroaches tend to reproduce more during the summer and spread from area to area. 

However, when the temperature gets too hot, even cockroaches tend to stick it out inside–your house, that being. 

So when you find yourself dealing with cockroaches inside your home or on your property, what are you supposed to do?

What Types Of Roaches in Maryland Are Common?

Cockroaches are one of the most common bugs in Maryland and one of the most difficult to treat. 

Before developing a treatment plan, it’s important to identify what type of cockroach you are dealing with. Generally, there are four common types of cockroaches in Maryland, including:

  • German cockroaches: A medium-sized cockroach with two lines on their pronotum. These light brown critters are the most common to infest homes, sneaking through tiny cracks.
  • American cockroaches: As one of the largest local cockroaches, the American cockroach grows to be over one inch long. It’s reddish-brown and has a pale figure-eight shape on its head. Although this cockroach is commonly found inside commercial spaces, it sometimes wanders into Maryland homes.
  • Brown-banded cockroaches: The brown-banded cockroach is often smaller than the German cockroach. It is light brown or brown and has v-shaped bands on its wings. Typically, this roach stays in warmer areas of the home. You might find it in your furniture or television set.
  • Oriental cockroaches: These dark-brown bugs are typically called “waterbugs” and reside in damp areas, such as basements and crawl spaces. Adults grow to 1 inch long and are known to infest homes, though they typically stay underground and rarely venture into common areas of the house. 

For the most part, when we are dealing with a cockroach infestation, it most likely refers to the German cockroach, though American cockroaches have been known to flood houses from time to time. Nevertheless, adapting our treatment plan for any particular cockroach will yield the best results. 

Why Are Cockroaches So Hard To Eliminate

Though you can find a can of Raid or cockroach spray in every store, these critters almost always require professional assistance. 

For one, cockroaches can survive for weeks without food, and they don’t need a lot to keep themselves full–a few crumbs is more than enough. This makes cockroaches extremely resilient and hard to eliminate, even if you clean your home or eliminate standing water. 

Cockroaches also don’t need much water to survive. Instead of drinking several times a day like humans, cockroaches can survive up to a week without water. While some roaches prefer moist environments, a lack of water won’t keep them away. And you can’t do anything to keep your home entirely moisture-free.

Finally, roaches are fast breeders. Once roaches enter your home or business through gaps and openings, they don’t waste any time. They begin reproducing, and it’s only a matter of weeks before you have a problem that’s out of control. For this reason, eliminating an infestation requires killing every cockroach. If a few roaches remain, they will breed and persist.

How to Get Rid of Cockroaches

Call a Professional Exterminator

Many people are hesitant to reach out to a professional or to spend money on proper treatment, but they are wrong to think so. 

First, getting rid of cockroaches in Maryland is extremely difficult, especially as the hot summers make your house the perfect breeding ground for these creatures. Between the excess moisture, proliferation of weeds, and the sour smell of unsealed garbage that wafts in the summer air, cockroaches can still target your house even if you manage to keep it mostly clean and tidy. 

Second, it’s difficult to tell if you’ve eliminated every cockroach without a proper inspection. You may find that you spend more trying to treat the problem yourself and end up calling a professional than if you had made the call in the first place. 

Hiring a cockroach control specialist will ensure that you eliminate cockroaches entirely without the risk of them regenerating–which happens fairly quickly. 

A professional can also provide follow-up inspections and spray down the house with organic pesticide barriers that keep cockroaches away for good. 

Use Baits and Traps

If you decide to use DIY measures, several products can help you eliminate cockroaches in your house:

  • Bait Stations: Place a bait station in areas where cockroaches tend to congregate. These baits have a chemical insecticide that mimics food and poisons cockroaches. Theoretically, when the roach returns to its nest and dies, the other roaches will feast on the carcass, getting poisoned as well. Baits are toxic to children or pets, so exercise caution. 
  • Glue traps: These sticky surfaces trap cockroaches that come into contact with it, preventing them from moving. Traps serve as a temporary measure, effectively eliminating some roaches but not all of them. 

Apply Pesticides Straight On Contact

Of course, applying a strong insecticide directly to cockroaches will eliminate them immediately. However, finding and applying these sprays to every cockroach hiding spot can be difficult and leave you on a never-ending quest to spray every last roach in your house. 

Eliminate All Food and Water Sources

Even after roaches have infested your home, preventive measures should still be taken. Eliminate all food sources by sealing containers, sealing garbage, and even eliminating brush in your yard. 

Likewise, fix any leaks, install a dehumidifier, and eliminate as much moisture from your house as possible. 

Seal Cracks and Fill Them with Pesticides

Stop cockroaches from entering your house by applying caulk to cracks and gaps in your home’s exterior. Check around old windows and pipes where spray foam may be needed to seal large gaps. 

Consider applying a safe insecticide crack to keep bugs away or sprinkling some diatomaceous earth. 

Use Essential Oils to Keep Roaches Away

Finally, many essential oils, such as peppermint, lavender, and tea tree oil, have been proven to repel cockroaches. This last tip is more for prevention but could be mildly useful for curtailing existing cockroaches. 

Cockroach Prevention Is Key

Keeping a clean home and following these cockroach prevention tips will reduce your risk of getting them in the first place. 

While we tend to call exterminators for emergencies, several low-cost services keep bugs at bay. Pest Czar’s Czar Guard is one such service, as our technicians apply safe solutions that help keep bugs through every season of the year. 

We also provide frequent inspections for a low cost to help save you peace of mind. 

Whether you own a home or business, Pest Czar can help it stay clean and safe from pests. Call us today for a free quote on any service. 


What are the common types of roaches found in Maryland?

There are four common types of cockroaches in Maryland: German cockroaches, American cockroaches, Brown-banded cockroaches, and Oriental cockroaches.

Should I hire a professional exterminator to get rid of cockroaches?

Yes, hiring a professional exterminator is recommended for effective cockroach elimination, especially in Maryland, where infestations can be challenging to handle alone.

What DIY measures can I use to eliminate cockroaches in my house?

You can use bait stations, glue traps, or apply pesticides directly to cockroaches. However, remember that these DIY methods may not provide comprehensive eradication.

How can I prevent cockroach infestations in my home?

To prevent cockroach infestations, keep your home clean, eliminate food and water sources, seal cracks and gaps, and consider using essential oils like peppermint, lavender, or tea tree oil as repellents. Regular inspections and professional pest control services can also help maintain a roach-free home.


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